Şiddet görmüş kadınlarda yeniden varoluş: Başa çıkma, anlam üretme ve iyi oluş deneyimleri
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kadına yönelik aile içi şiddet hem bir insan hakkı ihlali hem de bir kadın sağlık sorunu olarak kabul edilmektedir. Yapılan araştırmalarda dünyadaki kadınların üçte birinin şiddet gördüğü tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca aile içi şiddet yaşantısı, kadınların ruh sağlığı üzerinde ve varoluşlarına ilişkin anlam çabalarına ve süreçlerine de olumsuz düzeyde etki etmektedir. Öte yandan şiddet tarihçesine sahip bazı kadınlar, maruz kaldıkları şiddetle belli yöntem ve stratejiler kullanarak baş etmekte, hayatta şiddet sonrasında yeni bir iyi oluş ve hayatta anlam üretme süreçlerine başlayabilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, maruz kaldığı aile içi şiddet ile baş etmiş bazı kadınların, şiddet sürecinin sonlanmasını sağlayan baş etme yöntemlerini, şiddet sonrası yaşamda iyi oluşa ve hayatta yeni bir anlam üretmeye ilişkin deneyimlerini incelemektir. Nitel araştırma desenlerinden fenomenolojik yaklaşım ile tasarlanmış ve yürütülmüş olan bu çalışmada kadınların deneyimlerinin arkasında yatan olaylar ve yaşantılar, bir olgu ve gerçeklik çerçevesinde anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada aile içi şiddet öyküsü bulunan altı kadının deneyim ve düşünceleri anlaşılmaya çalışılmış ve incelenmiştir. Kadınlardan veriler, araştırmacı tarafından tasarlanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme soruları yoluyla toplanmış ve metne dönüştürülen yanıtlar tematik analiz yöntemi ile çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmanın bulguları değerlendirildiğinde, kadınların şiddete yönelik farklı algılamalara sahip olduğunu, bu algılamaların şiddetin sosyokültürel bileşenleri etrafında şekillendiğini, şiddet yaşantılarının, evlilik öncesi veya hamilelik dönemi gibi farklı tarihlerde gerçekleşebildiği, şiddetin fiziksel veya sözle şiddet gibi farklı türlerinin yaşandığı, şiddetin nedenlerinin, erken yaşta evlenme, erkeğin kötü alışkanlıkları ve ihmal gibi çeşitli nedenlerinin olduğu, kadınların şiddetle başa çıkmak için sosyal destek arama, evden ayrılma ve dua etme gibi çeşitli yöntem ve stratejiler kullandığı, şiddet sonrası süreçte kadınların iyi oluş adına karar verme sürecini önemseme, bir işte çalışma, yeni iletişim kaynak ve süreçlerine yönelme gibi deneyimleri yaşadığı ve hayattan bir anlam üretmeye dair kadınların başarıyı deneyimleme ve olumlu bir kendilik algısı geliştirme gibi yaşantılara sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır.
Domestic violence against women is considered both a violation of human rights and a women's health problem. Studies have shown that one-third of women in the world have been subjected to violence. In addition, the experience of domestic violence negatively affects women's mental health and their efforts and processes to make meaning of their existence. On the other hand, some women with a history of violence cope with the violence they are exposed to by using certain methods and strategies, and they can start a new process of well-being and meaning in life after violence. The aim of this study is to examine the coping methods of some women who have coped with domestic violence to which they have been exposed, their experiences of creating a new meaning in life and well-being in the post-violent life. In this study, which was designed and conducted with a phenomenological approach, one of the qualitative research designs, the events and experiences behind the experiences of women were tried to be understood within the framework of a fact and reality. In the study, the experiences and opinions of six women with a history of domestic violence were tried to be understood and examined. Data from women were collected through semi-structured interview questions designed by the researcher, and the answers that were converted into text were analyzed by thematic analysis method. When the findings of the study are evaluated, it is seen that women have different perceptions towards violence, these perceptions are shaped around the sociocultural components of violence, that violence experiences can occur at different dates such as before marriage or pregnancy, different types of violence such as physical or verbal violence are experienced, that the causes of violence vary, including early marriage, men's bad habits and neglect, that women use various methods and strategies such as seeking social support, leaving home and praying to cope with violence, that women experience new habits such as caring about the decision-making process, working at a job and finding new communication resources and channels for well-being in the post-violence process, and that women have experiences such as orientation to life and processes, and that women have experiences such as experiencing success and developing a positive self-perception about producing a meaning from life.
Domestic violence against women is considered both a violation of human rights and a women's health problem. Studies have shown that one-third of women in the world have been subjected to violence. In addition, the experience of domestic violence negatively affects women's mental health and their efforts and processes to make meaning of their existence. On the other hand, some women with a history of violence cope with the violence they are exposed to by using certain methods and strategies, and they can start a new process of well-being and meaning in life after violence. The aim of this study is to examine the coping methods of some women who have coped with domestic violence to which they have been exposed, their experiences of creating a new meaning in life and well-being in the post-violent life. In this study, which was designed and conducted with a phenomenological approach, one of the qualitative research designs, the events and experiences behind the experiences of women were tried to be understood within the framework of a fact and reality. In the study, the experiences and opinions of six women with a history of domestic violence were tried to be understood and examined. Data from women were collected through semi-structured interview questions designed by the researcher, and the answers that were converted into text were analyzed by thematic analysis method. When the findings of the study are evaluated, it is seen that women have different perceptions towards violence, these perceptions are shaped around the sociocultural components of violence, that violence experiences can occur at different dates such as before marriage or pregnancy, different types of violence such as physical or verbal violence are experienced, that the causes of violence vary, including early marriage, men's bad habits and neglect, that women use various methods and strategies such as seeking social support, leaving home and praying to cope with violence, that women experience new habits such as caring about the decision-making process, working at a job and finding new communication resources and channels for well-being in the post-violence process, and that women have experiences such as orientation to life and processes, and that women have experiences such as experiencing success and developing a positive self-perception about producing a meaning from life.
Anahtar Kelimeler
şiddet, kadına yönelik şiddet, başa çıkma, iyi oluş, anlam, violence, violence against women, coping, well-being, meaning, Psikoloji, Psychology