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Kelamda peygamberin özel sıfatlarından birisi olan ismet, Mu'tezile tarafından da benimsenmiştir. Mu'tezile'de ismet vahyin selameti ve peygamberin risâlet görevinde muvaffakiyeti için gereklidir. Bu sıfat, Allah Resulünün nübüvvet vazifesi öncesinden başlamak üzere nefret uyandıracak ve kendisinden uzaklaşılmasına neden olacak günah, davranış, yüz kızartıcı fiil, ahlaki yapı ve mizaçtan korunması demektir. Peygamber, kendi iradesiyle günahtan uzak kalmaktadır ve dolayısıyla da tekliften muaf değildir. O nefret uyandırmayan ama sevap azlığına neden olan küçük günahı işleyebilir. Nitekim peygamber de bir beşerdir ve tebliğ vazifesinin dışında diğer insanlar gibidir. Bu yüzden de insanî ve ictihadî söz ve kararlarında hatayla mualleldir. Neticede Mu'tezile'de ismet sıfatı peygamberlik müessesesini koruma odaklıdır. Bu bağlamda Mu'tezile'nin ısrarla altını çizdiği nitelik "nefret uyandırmama"dır. Onların peygamberden ancak nefret uyandırmayan fiillerin sadır olacağını savunmalarının temel nedeni de peygamberlik müessesine olan güveni sarsmamak içindir Mu'tezile'de ismetin dayanakları mucize, salah-aslah ve adalet prensibi, lütuf ilkesi ve peygamberin hüccet olmasıdır. Buna göre Allah, peygamberi, insanlara maslahatlarını bildirmesi için göndererek lütufta bulunmuştur. Bu maslahatın, lütfun en güçlü şekilde gerçekleşmesi için onun masum olması elzemdir. Onun mucize ile desteklenmesi ve hüccet olması da korunmuşluğu gerektirmektedir. Zira masum olmayan peygamber, risâlet görevinde hedefine ulaşamayabilir. Bu ise Allah'ın âdil olması ile bağdaşmaz
Ismah, one of the special attributes of Prophets in Kalam, is also adopted by Mu'tazila. Ismah is necessary in Mu'tazila for the safety of revelation and for the Prophet to be successful in risala duties. This quality, which the Messenger of Allah has before his prophethood, means he is immune from sins, indecent behavior, disgraceful act, bad moral structure and temperament that would arouse hatred and cause people to stay away from him. Prophet stays away from sin through his own will, and therefore he is not exempt from the proposal. He may commit small sins that won't arouse hatred, but which will lead to lack of merit. Indeed, the prophet is a mortal he is like other people except for his notification duty. Therefore he is also faulted in his humanly speech and decisions. As a result, ismah in Mu'tazila is regarded as a quality that protects the prophethood status. In this context, the quality that Mu'tazila persistently underlines is "not to arouse hatred". The main reason of the fact that they claim only acts that wouldn't arouse hatred could come out of the prophet is because they don't want to harm the confidence in prophetic institution In Mu'tazila, the bases of ismah are miracles, salah-aslah (God does for men what is to their greatest advantage, benefit) and justice principle, the principle of grace and prophet of hujjat. Accordingly, God has bestowed his favor on people by sending the prophet to let them know their interests. For this favor to be the greatest, it is necessary that he is innocent. The fact that he is supported by his miracles, and he is hujjat also requires protection. Otherwise, a non-innocent prophet may not reach his goal in Risala task. And this is incompatible with the fact that God is fair
Ismah, one of the special attributes of Prophets in Kalam, is also adopted by Mu'tazila. Ismah is necessary in Mu'tazila for the safety of revelation and for the Prophet to be successful in risala duties. This quality, which the Messenger of Allah has before his prophethood, means he is immune from sins, indecent behavior, disgraceful act, bad moral structure and temperament that would arouse hatred and cause people to stay away from him. Prophet stays away from sin through his own will, and therefore he is not exempt from the proposal. He may commit small sins that won't arouse hatred, but which will lead to lack of merit. Indeed, the prophet is a mortal he is like other people except for his notification duty. Therefore he is also faulted in his humanly speech and decisions. As a result, ismah in Mu'tazila is regarded as a quality that protects the prophethood status. In this context, the quality that Mu'tazila persistently underlines is "not to arouse hatred". The main reason of the fact that they claim only acts that wouldn't arouse hatred could come out of the prophet is because they don't want to harm the confidence in prophetic institution In Mu'tazila, the bases of ismah are miracles, salah-aslah (God does for men what is to their greatest advantage, benefit) and justice principle, the principle of grace and prophet of hujjat. Accordingly, God has bestowed his favor on people by sending the prophet to let them know their interests. For this favor to be the greatest, it is necessary that he is innocent. The fact that he is supported by his miracles, and he is hujjat also requires protection. Otherwise, a non-innocent prophet may not reach his goal in Risala task. And this is incompatible with the fact that God is fair
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