Türkiye'de kadınların siyasal temsili: Yapısal faktörlerin analizi
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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Siyaset ve kadın konuları yüzyıllardır araştırmacıların en çok üzerinde durduğu konular arasında yer almaktadır.Özellikle de kadınların siyasal temsili, kadınların siyasete katılımı ve bunları etkileyen,şekillendiren faktörler araştırmacılar için önemini sürdürmeye devam etmektedir.Yapılan bu çalışmada literatürde var olan siyasal katılım,siyasal temsil,siyaset ve toplumsal cinsiyet arasındaki ilişki,kadınların sahip olduğu haklar,kadınların siyasal katılımlarının yıllar içinde şekillenmesi ile günümüzdeki mevcut durumu,uluslararası ilişkilerin temelinde kadın ve siyasal temsilinin önemi ve Türkiye'de kadınların siyasal temsili ve kadınların siyasal katılımlarını etkileyen faktörler incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamında Türkiye'de kadınların siyasal katılımında etkin role sahip olan faktörler incelenmiş olup, bu hususta genel itibariyle hangi faktörlerin daha etkili ve önemli olduğu saptanmaya çalışılmıştır.Literatür araştırmasıyla birlikte Türk tarihinde kadınların siyasal katılımı konusunda bir çok faktörün etkili olduğu ve zaman içinde kadınların siyasete katılımlarını şekillendirdiği görülmüştür.Bu faktörlerin genel hatlarını; geleneklerin, dinsel öğelerin ve sosyoekonomik şartların oluşturduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Rönesans ve reform hareketleri ile başlayan katılım süreçleri sanayi devriminden sonra ivme kazanmıştır.Somut anlamda siyasal temsil ve siyasete katılım adımları ikinci dünya savaşı sonrasında atılmaya başlanmıştır.Kadınların temsilini ve siyasal katılımı etkileyen faktörlerin neredeyse bütün toplumlarda benzer olmasına rağmen bu hususların gelişim süreçlerinin her toplumda farklı bir şekilde meydana geldiği görülmüştür.Özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerde öne çıkan kadın hareketleri Türk toplumunda da etkisini göstermeye başlamıştır.1900'lü yıllarda Türkiye'de de eşitlik ve özgürlük temalı sivil toplum hareketleriyle birlikte kadınların temsili ve siyasal katılımları önem kazanmaya ve toplumun gündemini meşgul etmeye başlamıştır.Zamanla kadınların siyasette daha fazla yer alması için çabalayan sivil toplum kuruluşlarının ve devlet kurumlarının desteğini alan kadınların toplumda daha fazla söz sahibi olmaya çalıştıkları görülmüştür. Bu durumun günümüzde ve daha sonraki yıllarda da devam edebilmesi için kadınların geleneksel rollerinin değişmesi ve ekonomik problemleri aşmaları gerekmektedir.
Politics and women's issues are among the topics that researchers mostly have been focusing and examining.The political representation of women,women's participation in politics and the factors that affect and shape them continue to be important for researchers. In this study, political participation, political representation and politics and the relationship between gender, the rights were owned by women, formation of political participation of women over the years and in today's current situation, the importance of women and political representation on the basis of international relations and women's political representation in Turkey and the factors influencing political participation of women were examined In this study factors having an active role in the political participation of women in Turkey were examined and it was aimed to find out which factors are more effective and more important in general terms.It was determined that there is a number of factors which determine the political participation of women in Turkish history and it has been found that these factors are reallyimportant in shaping women's participation in politics. The outline of these factors; traditions, religious elements and socioeconomic conditions. The accession processes that started with the Renaissance and reform movements gained momentum after the industrial revolution. In the concrete sense, the steps of political representation and participation in politics began to be taken after the second world war. Although the factors affecting the representation of women and political participation were similar in almost all societies, it was seen that the development processes of these issues occurred in a different way in every society. Women's movements which are seen especially in developed countries, started to show their influence in Turkish society too. In Turkey, the representation of women and political particiation of women gained great importance with the equality and freedom themed civil society movements in 1900's. Over time, it has been seen that women, who have the support of non-governmental organizations and state institutions, which are striving to make women more involved in politics, are trying to have more voice in society. In order to enable this situation to continue today and in the following years, women's traditional roles need to change and women should overcome the economic problems.
Politics and women's issues are among the topics that researchers mostly have been focusing and examining.The political representation of women,women's participation in politics and the factors that affect and shape them continue to be important for researchers. In this study, political participation, political representation and politics and the relationship between gender, the rights were owned by women, formation of political participation of women over the years and in today's current situation, the importance of women and political representation on the basis of international relations and women's political representation in Turkey and the factors influencing political participation of women were examined In this study factors having an active role in the political participation of women in Turkey were examined and it was aimed to find out which factors are more effective and more important in general terms.It was determined that there is a number of factors which determine the political participation of women in Turkish history and it has been found that these factors are reallyimportant in shaping women's participation in politics. The outline of these factors; traditions, religious elements and socioeconomic conditions. The accession processes that started with the Renaissance and reform movements gained momentum after the industrial revolution. In the concrete sense, the steps of political representation and participation in politics began to be taken after the second world war. Although the factors affecting the representation of women and political participation were similar in almost all societies, it was seen that the development processes of these issues occurred in a different way in every society. Women's movements which are seen especially in developed countries, started to show their influence in Turkish society too. In Turkey, the representation of women and political particiation of women gained great importance with the equality and freedom themed civil society movements in 1900's. Over time, it has been seen that women, who have the support of non-governmental organizations and state institutions, which are striving to make women more involved in politics, are trying to have more voice in society. In order to enable this situation to continue today and in the following years, women's traditional roles need to change and women should overcome the economic problems.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kadın, Siyaset, Kadınların Temsili, Siyasal Katılım, Türkiye, Women, Politics, Representation of Women, PoliticalParticipation, Turkey, Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science, Sosyoloji, Sociology, Kadın politikacılar, Women policians, Kadın politikaları, Women policies, Kadınlar, Women, Siyasal katılma, Political participation, Siyasi temsil, Political representation, Türkiye, Türkiye, Yapısal özellikler, Structural properties