Ömer Ebu Rişe ile Bedevi El-Cebel'in şiirlerinde yabancılaşma
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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İğtirâb (yabancılaşma) olgusu, genel olarak Arap şiirinde ve özellikle çağdaş Arap şiirinde, birçok nedene bağlı olarak kişinin çevresine veya kendisine, ilaveten şairin şiirinde tezahür eden ve sanatsal bir yabancılaşmaya dönüşen olgulardan biri olarak kabul edilir. XX. yy.'ın başında birçok gelişme yaşanmış ve bu gelişmeler söz konusu dönemde Fransız sömürgesi altındaki Suriye'de yeni bir hayat tarzının şekillenmesinde rol oynamıştır. Suriye'nin bağımısızlığını kazanmasından sonra farklı hükümetlerin yönetimin başına geçmesi ve birçok değişimin yaşanması, siyasi ve toplumsal hayatında şekillenmesine yol açmıştır. Bu dönemin şairlerinden Ömer Ebû Rîşe ve Bedevi el-Cebel, XX. yy.'ın ilk çeyreğinden bu asrın son çeyreğine kadarki süreç içinde bu dönemde olup bitenlere ayrıntılarına kadar şahitlik etmişlerdir. İki şair dönemin siyasi ve sosyal hayatında önemli rol üstlenmişlerdir. Aynı şekilde bu dönemin olayları her iki şair üzerinde derin etkiler bırakmıştır ki bu etkiler her iki şairin şiirlerinde kendini açıkça göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, Ömer Ebû Rîşe ile Bedevi el-Cebel'in şiirlerinde kendisini gösteren yabancılaşmayı ele almaktadır. Çalışma, aynı zamanda Ömer Ebû Rîşe ile Bedevi el-Cebel'in şiirlerini bir araya getirmek suretiyle analitik ve tasviri tahlillere tabi tutmuştur.Çalışmada öncelikle yabancılaşmanın sözlük ve ıstılahi anlamlarına ve yabancılaşma türlerine yer verilmiş, daha sonra iki şair yani Ömer Ebû Rîşe ile Bedevi el-Cebel hakkında bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Daha sonra ise her iki şairin şiirlerinde ortaya çıkan mekansal, zamansal, siyasi, toplumsal, dini, psikolojik ve duygusal yabancılaşma gibi farklı yabancılaşma türlerine değinilmiştir. Çalışmada aynı zamanda iki şair arasında, her birinin yaşamış olduğu olaylar üzerinden detaylı bir kıyaslama yapılmış, daha sonra bu olaylar sonucunda her iki şairin şiirlerinde ortaya çıkan yabancılaşmaya değinilmiş, söz konusu yabancılaşmanın her iki şairde farklı ve benzer yansımalarına değinilmiştir. Çalışmada, konuyla ilgili teorik kavramlar ele alınmış, daha sonra Ömer Ebû Rîşe ile Bedevi el-Cebel'in şiirleri üzerinde uygulamalı çalışmaya yer verilmiş, genel anlamda Suriye toplumunun hayatında yabancılaşma ile bu yabancılaşmanın şiirlerdeki yansımalarına teferruatlı bir şekilde yer verilmiş, en son bölümünde ise sonuç kısmına yer verilmiştir.
The phenomenon of alienation is considered one of the prominent human pheno-menon in Arabic poetry in general and in modernist poetry in particular, this is due to the many reasons that make a person estranged from one's surroundings or oneself, as well as the alienation of poets and how it is shown in their poetry. The twentieth century had witnessed many changes that played a role in shaping the new life in Syria that was under the rule of the French colonizer, then the independence and the succession of numerous governments and the major transformations, all shaped the political and social life. The two poets, Omar Abu Risha and Badawy Al Jabal, had lived through those events from the beginning of the first quarter of the twentieth century to the last quarter of it. These two poets played a role in the social and political life, and that influenced them greatly, which was reflected in their poems. This research deals with the types of alienation in the poems of Omar Abu Risha and Badawy Al Jabal. This is a descriptive, analytical study that combined their poetry and highlighted several matters. Firstly, the concept of alienation in terms of language and idiom and types of alienation, then introducing the two poets, their lives and poetic value. Secondly, studying the types of alienation in their poems, which are spatial, temporal, political, so-cial, religious, psychological, emotional, alienation. This research deals with the phenomenon of alienation in the poems of Omar Abu Risha and Badawy Al Jabal, and the relationship between each of the poets and his poems, then between the poet and details of his life that lead to the occurrence of aliena-tion in his poems The research compares the two poets in terms of the events that happened to each of them, then compares the effect of those events on the emergence of alienation in their poetry, then it shows the similarities and differences in each type of alienation. The research presents the theoretical concepts related to it, then the applied study in the poems of Abu Risha and Badawy Al Jabal, it shows the details of alienation in Syria generally and in their poems particularly, then it comes to end with conclusions.
The phenomenon of alienation is considered one of the prominent human pheno-menon in Arabic poetry in general and in modernist poetry in particular, this is due to the many reasons that make a person estranged from one's surroundings or oneself, as well as the alienation of poets and how it is shown in their poetry. The twentieth century had witnessed many changes that played a role in shaping the new life in Syria that was under the rule of the French colonizer, then the independence and the succession of numerous governments and the major transformations, all shaped the political and social life. The two poets, Omar Abu Risha and Badawy Al Jabal, had lived through those events from the beginning of the first quarter of the twentieth century to the last quarter of it. These two poets played a role in the social and political life, and that influenced them greatly, which was reflected in their poems. This research deals with the types of alienation in the poems of Omar Abu Risha and Badawy Al Jabal. This is a descriptive, analytical study that combined their poetry and highlighted several matters. Firstly, the concept of alienation in terms of language and idiom and types of alienation, then introducing the two poets, their lives and poetic value. Secondly, studying the types of alienation in their poems, which are spatial, temporal, political, so-cial, religious, psychological, emotional, alienation. This research deals with the phenomenon of alienation in the poems of Omar Abu Risha and Badawy Al Jabal, and the relationship between each of the poets and his poems, then between the poet and details of his life that lead to the occurrence of aliena-tion in his poems The research compares the two poets in terms of the events that happened to each of them, then compares the effect of those events on the emergence of alienation in their poetry, then it shows the similarities and differences in each type of alienation. The research presents the theoretical concepts related to it, then the applied study in the poems of Abu Risha and Badawy Al Jabal, it shows the details of alienation in Syria generally and in their poems particularly, then it comes to end with conclusions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion, Arap şiiri, Arabic poetry, Bedevi el-Cebel, Badawy al Jabal, Ebu Rişe, Ömer, Ebu Rişe, Ömer, Yabancılaşma, Alienation, Şiir, Poem