Siirt halk kültürünün şifa dağıtıcıları: Kutsal unsurlar
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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İnsanoğlunun yaşamını sürdürdüğü dünyada ilkel zamanlardan günümüze kadar muhtelif birçok sorun ve hastalıkla karşılaşılmıştır. Bireysel veya toplumsal olarak insanın yaşamındaki en önemli unsurlardan biri sağlıktır. Hastalıklar sebebiyle yaşanılan sorunlar, hastalık-tedavi ilişkisini gerekli kılmış ve çeşitli çözüm yolları üretmeye çalışan insanın yaşam sürecinde alternatif tedavi yöntemleri oluşturulmuştur. Geçmişten bugüne tedavi yöntemleri bağlı olduğu kültürün bir yansımasıdır ve değişen inanç sistemleri, geçiş dönemleri, karşılaşılan milletler, yaşanılan göçler neticesinde de şekillenerek mevcut kültürün bir parçası haline getirilmiştir. Asırları bulan nesilden nesile aktarılan bu bilgi ve deneyimler bir toplumun mirası ve yaşanmışlığının ürünüdür. Siirt halk kültüründe kutsallık barındıran şifa unsurları ve dağıtıcıları bu mirasın bir parçası ve çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Eski Türk inanç sisteminde yer alan; atalar, ateş, ağaç, su, taş/kaya, gibi kutsal kabul edilen kült unsurlarla günümüzde çeşitli şifa arama yöntemlerine başvurulmaktadır. Geçmişten bugüne çeşitli ritüellerle şifa arayışında kültler tedavinin doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak bir parçası olmayı sürdürmüştür. Siirt ili evliyalar diyarı olarak adlandırılmakta ve şehrin muhtelif birçok noktasında türbeler yer almaktadır. İnsanlar karşılaştıkları kimi hastalıklar için bu türbelere gitmekte ve oranın kutsallığından şifa aramaktadır. Siirt yöresinde dinsel-büyüsel sağaltımlar yapan ve geleneksel tedavi yöntemlerini uygulayan şifacılara da tedavi amaçlı gidilmektedir. Kötülüklere ve hastalıklara karşı şifa bulunacağı inancıyla işlevsel birçok durum için geçmişten bugüne dinsel-büyüsel tedaviler gerçekleştiren şifacılara başvurulmaktadır. Gözlem ve görüşme yöntemi kullanılarak Siirt il merkezi ve ilçelerinde yer alan şifa unsurları ve dağıtıcıları üzerine alan çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aynı zamanda doküman analizi yöntemiyle Siirt sahasında araştırma konusunu içeren daha önce yapılmış çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Alan çalışması neticesinde; 112 kaynak kişi ile görüşülmüş, 53 türbe, 7 şifacı ve birçok kült unsur tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında tespit edilen kült unsurlar ve türbeler hastalıklar özelinde sınıflandırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Şifacılardan elde edilen saha verileri ise her bir şifacı özelinde aktarılmıştır.
Various problems and diseases have been encountered in the world where mankind has been living from primitive times to the present day. One of the most important elements in a person's life, individually or socially, is health. The problems experienced due to diseases necessitated the disease-treatment relationship and in the process of a person's life who is trying to produce various solutions, many alternative treatment systems have been created. From the past to the present, the methods of treatments are reflections of the culture to which it is connected and as a result of changing belief systems, transition periods, encountered nations, and migrations, they have also been shaped and made part of the current culture. These knowledge and experiences, which have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries, are the product of the heritage and life of a society. Healing elements and dispensers that contain holiness in the folk culture of Siirt are part of this heritage and the subject of this study. Various methods of healing are used today with cult elements that are considered sacred, such as ancestors, fire, tree, water, stone/rock, which are in the ancient Turkish belief system. Cults have continued to be a direct or indirect part of the treatment in the search for healing through various rituals from the past to the present. The province of Siirt is called the land of saints and there are shrines in various parts of the city. People visit these shrines for some diseases they encounter and seek healing from the sanctity of it. In Siirt region, healers who perform religious-magical treatments and apply traditional treatment methods are also visited for therapeutic purposes. In the belief that there will be healing against evil and diseases, healers who have been performing religious-magical treatments for many functional conditions from the past to the present are resorted to. Using the observation and interview method, a field study was carried out on the healing elements and distributors located in the provincial center of Siirt and its districts. At the same time, previous studies on the subject of research in the Siirt field were studied by document analysis method. As a result of the field study, 112 source people were interviewed, 53 shrines, 7 healers and many cult elements were identified. Cult elements and shrines were classified and evaluated in terms of diseases. The field data obtained from the healers were transferred to each healer.
Various problems and diseases have been encountered in the world where mankind has been living from primitive times to the present day. One of the most important elements in a person's life, individually or socially, is health. The problems experienced due to diseases necessitated the disease-treatment relationship and in the process of a person's life who is trying to produce various solutions, many alternative treatment systems have been created. From the past to the present, the methods of treatments are reflections of the culture to which it is connected and as a result of changing belief systems, transition periods, encountered nations, and migrations, they have also been shaped and made part of the current culture. These knowledge and experiences, which have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries, are the product of the heritage and life of a society. Healing elements and dispensers that contain holiness in the folk culture of Siirt are part of this heritage and the subject of this study. Various methods of healing are used today with cult elements that are considered sacred, such as ancestors, fire, tree, water, stone/rock, which are in the ancient Turkish belief system. Cults have continued to be a direct or indirect part of the treatment in the search for healing through various rituals from the past to the present. The province of Siirt is called the land of saints and there are shrines in various parts of the city. People visit these shrines for some diseases they encounter and seek healing from the sanctity of it. In Siirt region, healers who perform religious-magical treatments and apply traditional treatment methods are also visited for therapeutic purposes. In the belief that there will be healing against evil and diseases, healers who have been performing religious-magical treatments for many functional conditions from the past to the present are resorted to. Using the observation and interview method, a field study was carried out on the healing elements and distributors located in the provincial center of Siirt and its districts. At the same time, previous studies on the subject of research in the Siirt field were studied by document analysis method. As a result of the field study, 112 source people were interviewed, 53 shrines, 7 healers and many cult elements were identified. Cult elements and shrines were classified and evaluated in terms of diseases. The field data obtained from the healers were transferred to each healer.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Halk hekimliği, Folk medicine, Halk inançları, Public beliefs