Nebevi sünnet işığında kıskançlık (Jealousy in light of the prophetic sunnah)
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Peygamber (s.a.s.), yaptıkları tüm iş ve ibadetlerde insanlık için mürşit, eğitimci, öncü ve örnekti. Bu itibarla değerli metodu aracılığıyla onların nefislerini eğitti ve arındırdı. Hanif dinimizin insani nefsi kendisinden arındırdığı en bariz ahlaklardan biri de kıskançlık ahlakıdır. Ki o da bu araştırmanın konusu olup kıskançlık ahlakından bahseden hadis-i şerifleri, şerhlerini ve onlardan kastedileni, övülen ve yerilen kıskançlığı, kocanın eşine. kadının da kocasına yönelik kıskançlığı, ve akranların kıskançlığı, kumaların kıskançlığında ortaya çıkan kıskançlık kısımlarını araştırarak açıkladım. Buna ek olarak, kıskançlık ahlakına yönelik Peygamber'in (s.a.s.) ahlakını beyan eden hadis-i şerifler yoluyla O'nun (s.a.s.) kıskançlık ahlakına yönelik tutum ve yöntemini dile getirdim. Allah'tan, bizi bundan fa
The Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, was a role model and educator as a model and example for humankind in all their behaviors and acts that they perform?He raised their souls and purified them through his honorable method. One of the most prominent ethics that our true religion upholds in the human psyche has created jealousy?It is the subject of this research, in which I investigated the noble hadiths that talk about creating jealousy with its explanation and an explanation of what is meant by it. A distinction is made between lauded and vilified jealousy, with an indication of the sections of jealousy represented; the husband's zeal for his wife, the wife's zeal for her husband, the peer's jealousy, and the jealousy of the bad. And clarifying the method of the Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, in dealing with the ethics of jealousy, Through honorable hadiths that show the methods of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in dealing with the creation of jealousy. And I ask God to help us with it and make this work pure for his honzorable face.
The Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, was a role model and educator as a model and example for humankind in all their behaviors and acts that they perform?He raised their souls and purified them through his honorable method. One of the most prominent ethics that our true religion upholds in the human psyche has created jealousy?It is the subject of this research, in which I investigated the noble hadiths that talk about creating jealousy with its explanation and an explanation of what is meant by it. A distinction is made between lauded and vilified jealousy, with an indication of the sections of jealousy represented; the husband's zeal for his wife, the wife's zeal for her husband, the peer's jealousy, and the jealousy of the bad. And clarifying the method of the Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, in dealing with the ethics of jealousy, Through honorable hadiths that show the methods of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in dealing with the creation of jealousy. And I ask God to help us with it and make this work pure for his honzorable face.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion, Hz. Muhammed, Hz. Muhammed, Hz. Muhammed Dönemi, Hz. Muhammed Dönemi, Kur'an-ı Kerim, Koran, Kıskançlık, Jealousy, Nebevi, Prophethood, Sünnet, Sunna, İslamiyet, Islam