Daçek dı zaravayê Kurmancî da
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Edatlar, Kurmanci lehçesinde en etkili dilbilgisi öğelerindendir. Pozisyon olarak kelimelerden önce kullanılır ve ayrıca çift edatlar kelimeyi içlerine alırlar. Yapı olarak yalın, ad ve birleşik durumda karşımıza çıkarlar. Cümle içinde kelimelerle kullanılarak, cümleye kalma, yönelme, çıkma, beraberlik, içinde olma, benzetme, ölçme ve soru anlamı verirler. Bunun yanı sıra parçalardan oluştukları ve fazla kullanıldıkları için dil ahengi üzerinde geniş bir etkiye sahiptirler. İsim, zamir, fiil, zarf, bağlaç gibi kelime türlerini etkilerler. Edatlar küçük parçacıklardan oluşmuşlardır ve çok kullanıldıkları için ses değişimlerine uğrarlar. Bazılarında düşme, bazılarında değişme meydana gelir. Kurmanci lehçesinde en büyük sorunlardan bir tanesi art-edatlardaki ses sorunu tercihidir ki dildeki ahenge ve akıcılığa etki etmektedirler. Bu çalışmada, edatlar "yer", "yapı", "anlam", "görev" ve "sesbilim" açısından incelenecektir. Amaç, edatları pozisyon ve yapılarına göre genel anlamda tasnif etmek, edatların cümleye kattıkları anlam imkânlarını ortaya çıkarmak, edatların diğer dilbilgisi öğeleriyle olan ilişkilerini belirtmek, edatlardaki ses değişimlerini ve ortaya çıkan problemleri analiz edip bu bağlamda bir yön belirlemektir. Şüphesiz edatların ayrıntılarıyla incelenmesi, Kurmanci lehçesinin kullanım imkânlarını genişletecek. Çünkü birçok dilbilgisi konusuyla ilintili olan edatlar etki sahibidirler. Bu yüzden edatların kullanım olanaklarını belirtmek gerekiyor. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda, edatların ses bilimsel yönlerine eğilerek edatların kullanımın tercihleri üzerinde etki edecektir.
Adpositions are the most effective grammatical elements in the Kurmanjî dialect of Kurdish. They are used before words (in the form of prepositions) and before and after words (in the form of circumpositions). They appear as simple noun and compound case as structure. Used with words in a sentence, it gives the meaning of locative, dative, ablative, commutative, inclusion, comparison, quantity and interrogative. In addition they have a wide influence on the harmony of the language, as they are formed from segments and used extensively. They affect words types such as names, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions. Adpositions are made up of small segments and are subject to sound changes as they are used extensively. Some have elision and some have apophony, while some become shorter and some others change thoroughly. One of the biggest problems in the Kurmanjî dialect is the preference of the sounds in the adpositions, which affects the harmony of the language. In this study, adpositions will be examined in terms of "position", "structure", "meaning", "task" and "phonology". The aim of this work is to classify the adpositions correctly in the general sense according to the positions and structures; to reveal the meanings of the adpositions which contribute to the sentences; to indicate the relation between the adpositions and the other grammatical elements; to analyse the sound changes in the adpositions and the emerging problems; and to provide a general overview of the grammar in this context. Undoubtedly, the examination of the prepositions in detail will expand the possibilities of the usage of Kurmanjî dialect, because repositions are related to many linguistic issues and they have a big influence on the language structure. Therefore, it is necessary to specify the possibilities of the usage of adpositions. At the same time, this study will have an impact on the preferences of the usage of adpositions by focusing on the phonological aspects of adpositions.
Adpositions are the most effective grammatical elements in the Kurmanjî dialect of Kurdish. They are used before words (in the form of prepositions) and before and after words (in the form of circumpositions). They appear as simple noun and compound case as structure. Used with words in a sentence, it gives the meaning of locative, dative, ablative, commutative, inclusion, comparison, quantity and interrogative. In addition they have a wide influence on the harmony of the language, as they are formed from segments and used extensively. They affect words types such as names, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions. Adpositions are made up of small segments and are subject to sound changes as they are used extensively. Some have elision and some have apophony, while some become shorter and some others change thoroughly. One of the biggest problems in the Kurmanjî dialect is the preference of the sounds in the adpositions, which affects the harmony of the language. In this study, adpositions will be examined in terms of "position", "structure", "meaning", "task" and "phonology". The aim of this work is to classify the adpositions correctly in the general sense according to the positions and structures; to reveal the meanings of the adpositions which contribute to the sentences; to indicate the relation between the adpositions and the other grammatical elements; to analyse the sound changes in the adpositions and the emerging problems; and to provide a general overview of the grammar in this context. Undoubtedly, the examination of the prepositions in detail will expand the possibilities of the usage of Kurmanjî dialect, because repositions are related to many linguistic issues and they have a big influence on the language structure. Therefore, it is necessary to specify the possibilities of the usage of adpositions. At the same time, this study will have an impact on the preferences of the usage of adpositions by focusing on the phonological aspects of adpositions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Edat, Edatların Yeri, Edatların Yapısı, Edatların Anlamı, Edatların Görevi, Edatların Sesbilgisi, Adpositions, Prepositions, Circumpositions, Position of the Prepositions, Structure of the Prepositions, Meaning of the Prepositions, Tasks of Prepositions, Phonetics of Prepositions, Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatı, Eastern Linguistics and Literature