Gilles Deleuze'de anlam üretimi
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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Çalışmamız Gilles Deleuze'ün anlam ve anlam üretimine katkılarını ortaya çıkarmanın yanında aynı zamanda anlam üretimini Deleuzeyen bir yaklaşım ile açımlamak amacını taşımaktadır. Çalışmamız giriş ve üç bölümden meydana gelmektedir. Giriş kısmında çalışmamızın metodolojisi ortaya konularak içerikte ele aldığımız kavramların analizi yapılmaktadır. Birinci bölümde dünyaya dâhil olmamızı sağlayan, dünya ile aramızdaki yeri tutan göstergeler kavramı, gösterge türleri ve duyarlılık ilişkisi Deleuzyen bir bakış açısıyla ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölüm anlam üretiminde önemli bir yeri olduğunu düşündüğümüz olay kavramı ve olayı oluşturan bileşenler ele alınmış, olayın neviyatı, zaman ile olan ilişkisi incelenmiş, olaya davet etmenin ve olayın anlam üretiminde başa gelen olarak önemi ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmamızın üçüncü bölümünde bir ifade aracı olarak dil, dilin imkânları ve olayın açımlanmasında aldığı konum itibariyle anlam üretimi ile ilişkisi tartışılmıştır. Deleuze'ün anlam üretimine bakışı, anlamın arayış bakımından oluşa gelişi ve diğer bölümlerdeki kavramlarla anlam üretiminin ilişkisi aydınlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Deleuze'ün anlam üretimine bakışı konusunda ulaştığımız sonuç ise; olayı açan şey neyse ve olayın açıldığı yer nereyse bedensiz organ olarak anlamın oradan doğabilme imkânlılığına sahip olabildiğidir.
In addition to revealing Gilles Deleuze's contributions to the production of meaning and meaning, our study aims to explain the production of meaning with a Deleuze approach. Our study consists of an introduction and three parts. In the introduction section, the metadology of our work is revealed and the concepts we consider in the content are analyzed. In the first chapter, the concept of indicators that allow us to participate in the world, hold the place between us and the world, the types of indicators and the relationship of sensitivity are discussed from a decelerated point of view. Chapter two the concept of an event that we think has an important place in the production of meaning, which is the main topic of our dissertation, and the components that make up the event were considered, the Nevi of the event, its position and its relationship with time were studied, the importance of inviting to the event and the event as a leading person in the production of meaning was demonstrated. In the third part of our study, the relationship between language as a means of expression, the possibilities of language and the production of meaning in terms of the position it takes in the explanation of the event is discussed. In contrast to Deleuze's theories of meaning, his view of meaning production, the arrival of meaning in terms of search, and the relationship of meaning production with the concepts mentioned in other sections have been tried to illuminate. As for Deleuze's view of the production of meaning, the conclusion we have reached is that whatever opens the event and wherever the event opens, meaning as a disembodied organ can be born from there.
In addition to revealing Gilles Deleuze's contributions to the production of meaning and meaning, our study aims to explain the production of meaning with a Deleuze approach. Our study consists of an introduction and three parts. In the introduction section, the metadology of our work is revealed and the concepts we consider in the content are analyzed. In the first chapter, the concept of indicators that allow us to participate in the world, hold the place between us and the world, the types of indicators and the relationship of sensitivity are discussed from a decelerated point of view. Chapter two the concept of an event that we think has an important place in the production of meaning, which is the main topic of our dissertation, and the components that make up the event were considered, the Nevi of the event, its position and its relationship with time were studied, the importance of inviting to the event and the event as a leading person in the production of meaning was demonstrated. In the third part of our study, the relationship between language as a means of expression, the possibilities of language and the production of meaning in terms of the position it takes in the explanation of the event is discussed. In contrast to Deleuze's theories of meaning, his view of meaning production, the arrival of meaning in terms of search, and the relationship of meaning production with the concepts mentioned in other sections have been tried to illuminate. As for Deleuze's view of the production of meaning, the conclusion we have reached is that whatever opens the event and wherever the event opens, meaning as a disembodied organ can be born from there.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Felsefe, Philosophy, Anlam, Meaning, Deleuze, Gilles, Deleuze, Gilles, Dil, Language, Gösterge, Sign, Olaylar, Events, Zaman, Time