Pierre Bourdieu'de klasik izler: Emile Durkheim-Max Weber-Karl Marx
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bourdieu, bilimsel alanda tarihten gelen dualiteleri aşmayı amaçlayarak bilimsel bir bilgi sosyolojisi geliştirmeyi hedefler. Bu nedenle özelikle tarih boyunca süregelen nesnellik ve öznellik ayrımının bilimsel gelişmelerin önündeki en büyük engel olduğunu ve aşılması gerektiğini iddia eder. Toplumun bağlantılardan oluştuğunu savunan düşünür kavramlarını bu çok yönlü, ilişkisel çerçevede sistematize eder. Bourdieu, tarihsel bir sorun olarak ele aldığı dualite sorununun kökenlerinin klasik sosyal teorideki izleklerine ayrı bir yer açar. Bu çalışmamızda dualite sorununun Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim ve Max Weber'le olan ilişkisi ele alınıp bunların Bourdieu'nün kavram şemasının gelişimindeki etkileri irdelenecektir. Bourdieu, sadece bilimsel bir bilgi sosyolojisi üretmekle uğraşmamış, toplumsal eşitsizliğin nedenlerini ifşa etmekle de yakından ilgilenmiştir. Dolayısıyla da habitus, alan, sermaye ve sınıf gibi kavramları hem bilimsel alandaki sorunlu yapıyı aşmak hem de toplumsal eşitsizliğin nedenleri ve yeniden üretilme biçimlerini açıklamak için kullanır. Bourdieu, bilimsel bir girişimle beraber toplumsal eşitsizliğin nedenleri ve yeniden üretilme biçimleriyle de yakından ilgilenir. Bu bağlamda Bourdieu sosyolojisinin özelde sadece sosyoloji alanında değil, genel itibariyle sosyal bilimin farklı disiplinlerinde de anlama, açıklama ve yorum yapmayı elverişli kılacak bir kavramsal sistem oluşturduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
Bourdieu aims to develop a scientific sociology of knowledge by aiming to overcome the dualities from history in the scientific field. For this reason, he claims that the distinction between objectivity and subjectivity, which has been going on throughout history, is the biggest obstacle to scientific developments and must be overcome. The thinker, who argues that society consists of connections, systematizes his concepts in this versatile and relational framework. Bourdieu opens a separate space for the roots of the duality problem, which he treats as a historical problem, in classical social theory. In this study, the relationship of the duality problem with Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber will be discussed and their effects on the development of Bourdieu's conceptual scheme will be examined. Bourdieu was not only concerned with producing a scientific sociology of knowledge, but was also closely interested in revealing the causes of social inequality. Therefore, he uses concepts such as habitus, field, capital and class both to overcome the problematic structure in the scientific field and to explain the causes and reproduction forms of social inequality. Along with a scientific initiative, Bourdieu is also closely interested in the causes and reproductions of social inequality. In this context, we can say that Bourdieu's sociology constitutes a conceptual system that will make it convenient to understand, explain and interpret not only in the field of sociology, but also in different disciplines of social science in general.
Bourdieu aims to develop a scientific sociology of knowledge by aiming to overcome the dualities from history in the scientific field. For this reason, he claims that the distinction between objectivity and subjectivity, which has been going on throughout history, is the biggest obstacle to scientific developments and must be overcome. The thinker, who argues that society consists of connections, systematizes his concepts in this versatile and relational framework. Bourdieu opens a separate space for the roots of the duality problem, which he treats as a historical problem, in classical social theory. In this study, the relationship of the duality problem with Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber will be discussed and their effects on the development of Bourdieu's conceptual scheme will be examined. Bourdieu was not only concerned with producing a scientific sociology of knowledge, but was also closely interested in revealing the causes of social inequality. Therefore, he uses concepts such as habitus, field, capital and class both to overcome the problematic structure in the scientific field and to explain the causes and reproduction forms of social inequality. Along with a scientific initiative, Bourdieu is also closely interested in the causes and reproductions of social inequality. In this context, we can say that Bourdieu's sociology constitutes a conceptual system that will make it convenient to understand, explain and interpret not only in the field of sociology, but also in different disciplines of social science in general.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pierre Bourdieu, Bilgi Sosyolojisi, Öznelik-Nesnellik, Habitus, Alan, Sermaye, Pierre Bourdieu, Sociology of Knowledge, Subjectivity-Objectivity, Habitus, Field, Capital, Sosyoloji, Sociology, Bilgi sosyolojisi, Information sociology, Bourdieu, Pierre, Bourdieu, Pierre, Durkheim, Emile, Durkheim, Emile, Habitus, Habitus, Marks, Karl, Marks, Karl, Nesnellik, Objectivity, Sermaye, Capital, Weber, Max, Weber, Max, Öznellik, Subjectivity