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Çalışmamızın konusu 17. yüzyılda Farsçadan Türkçeye tercüme edilen "Mecmÿèatüéã-äanÀyiè" adlı eserdir. Eser farklı alanlarla ilgili konuları ihtiva etmesi bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Çünkü bir dilin tarih içindeki gelişimini ortaya koyabilmek, farklı alanlarda yazılmış ve değişik dönemlerine ait eserlerin incelenmesi ile mümkün olabilmektedir. İncelemeye esas aldığımız eser de bu yönüyle önem taşımaktadır. Bu tür yazma eserlerin az sayıda olması da eserin önemini arttırmaktadır. Ayrıca eserin birden fazla nüshasının bulunması ve bu nüshaların farklı zamanlarda istinsah edilmesi eserin gördüğü ilgiyi göstermesi bakımından da ayrı bir değere sahiptir. Bunun yanı sıra eserde farklı alanlarla ilgili terimlerin yer alması da Türkçenin bu alanlardaki durumunu göstermesi bakımından ayrı bir önem taşımaktadır. Çalışmamızın giriş bölümünde eserin yazarı ve yazılış tarihi ile mütercimi ve müstensihleri hakkında bilgi verilmeye çalışılmış, daha sonra eserin konusu ve bölümleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Eserin adı ve yazılış amacı ile ilgili bilgiler ise nüshalardan hareketle verilmiştir. Bu bilgiler sonrası eserin nüshaları tek tek ele alınarak nüshalar hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Giriş bölümünde verilen bu bilgiler sonrası eserin başlıca dil özellikleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmış ve son olarak da bu incelemeler sonrası elde edilen bulgulardan hareketle değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır
The topic of this study is the treatise “Mecmÿèatüéã-äanÀyiè”, which in the seventeenth century was translated from Persian into Turkish. This treatise is quite important because it contains topics related to different areas. After all, being able to describe the development of a language over time depends on being able to analyse works that were written in different areas and different periods. The work on which this study is based is in this respect very important. The fact that such texts are rare further increases the importance of the treatise. Besides, the fact that the treatise has survived in more than one copy and that those copies were produced at different times is also of importance because it shows that the treatise was popular. Besides the fact that terms from different areas are found in the treatise it also is important because it shows the state of Turkish in those areas. In the introductory section of this study an attempt is made to give information about the author of the treatise, the date of its composition and the translator and copyists. Thereafter the focus is on the topic and the sections of the treatise. Information about the name of the treatise and the reason for its composition is given through analysis the copies. Then an attempt is made to give detailed information about the copies by examining them one by one. After this information, which is given in the introductory section, an attempt is made to establish the main linguistic characteristics. Finally after these examinations and based on what has been discovered a general evaluation will be given
The topic of this study is the treatise “Mecmÿèatüéã-äanÀyiè”, which in the seventeenth century was translated from Persian into Turkish. This treatise is quite important because it contains topics related to different areas. After all, being able to describe the development of a language over time depends on being able to analyse works that were written in different areas and different periods. The work on which this study is based is in this respect very important. The fact that such texts are rare further increases the importance of the treatise. Besides, the fact that the treatise has survived in more than one copy and that those copies were produced at different times is also of importance because it shows that the treatise was popular. Besides the fact that terms from different areas are found in the treatise it also is important because it shows the state of Turkish in those areas. In the introductory section of this study an attempt is made to give information about the author of the treatise, the date of its composition and the translator and copyists. Thereafter the focus is on the topic and the sections of the treatise. Information about the name of the treatise and the reason for its composition is given through analysis the copies. Then an attempt is made to give detailed information about the copies by examining them one by one. After this information, which is given in the introductory section, an attempt is made to establish the main linguistic characteristics. Finally after these examinations and based on what has been discovered a general evaluation will be given
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyal Bilimler, Disiplinler Arası
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri