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Genel Türk Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi
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Anadolu’nun Türkleşmesi ve İslamlaşmasında önemli bir role sahip olan Karakeçililer, XI. yüzyıldan itibaren varlıklarını önemli bir şekilde hissettirirler. Türkler tarih boyunca coğrafyanın ortaya koydukları şartlar neticesinde genellikle konar-göçer topluluklar halinde hayatlarını sürdürmüşlerdir. Oğuzların Anadolu’ya göçleri Moğolların baskı sonucu gerçekleşmiştir. Karakeçili ismi kara sıfatıyla keçi isminden ortaya çıkan bir isimdir. Kaynakları incelediğimizde tarihte bu gibi sıfat ve isimlerden meydana gelen birçok Türkmen aşireti ortaya çıktığı gibi, aynı şekilde hayvan isimlerinden ve sıfatlardan meydana gelen Akkoyunlu ve Karakoyunlu gibi devlet isimleri de meydana çıkmıştır. Karakeçili aşiretinin Anadolu’ya gelişlerinde izledikleri göç yolları konusunda farklı tezler vardır. Bunlardan ilkine göre, kalabalık ve büyük bir aşiret olan Karakeçililer; mensubu oldukları Kayı boyunun diğer bazı oymakları ile beraber Moğolların baskısı ve saldırıları sebebiyle, reisleri olan Ertuğrul Bey’in idaresinde, Horasan-Azerbaycan-Ahlat güzergâhını takip ederek Anadolu’ya gelmişlerdir. Özellikle Kırıkkale, Antalya, Eskişehir, Ankara, Balıkesir, Kütahya, Konya, Kastamonu, Aydın, Adapazarı, Bilecik, Bursa, Çorum ve Urfa gibi Anadolu’nun birçok yerinde Kayı Boyuna mensup aşiretlerin izlerine rastlamak mümkündür. Fakat Orta Anadolu’da kuşkusuz büyük bir yoğunlukta Kırıkkale’de meskûn olmuşlardır. Urfa Karakeçilileri diye bilinen ancak, idarî birimlerin zamanla değişmesi veya göç ya da iskânlar sebebiyle farklı sancaklara bağlanan Karakeçililer genellikle, Siverek, Viranşehir ve Beriyye hattında yaşamışlardır. Urfa-Siverek ve Suruç Karakeçililerinin varlıkları XV. ve XVI. yüzyıldan beri bilinmektedir. Urfa Karakeçilileri ile Bingöl’ün Simsor Karakeçilileri doğu Anadolu Zaza Türk aşireti grupları içinde yer almaktadırlar. Osmanlı Devletinin kurulması ile birlikte iskân faaliyetleri ve devletin baskısı sonucu oluşan yeni yerleşik yaşam tarzı konar-göçerlerin aleyhinde bir sonuç ortaya çıkarmıştır. Konar-göçer Türkmen aşiretlerinin yaşam tarzlarına ve sosyal yapılarına aykırı bir sonucu doğuran bu yeni düzene rağmen Oğuzlar arasında konar-göçer yaşam tarzını Osmanlı toprakları üzerinde devam ettiren Türk toplulukları “Yörük” adlı ile anılmışlardır. Bu isme ilk defa Osmanlı Devleti'nin resmi vesikalarında rastlanılmaktadır. Oğuzların Bozoklardan Günhan koluna bağlı “Kayı” boyuna mensup Karakeçili aşireti kaynaklarda genellikle Türkmen adı ile geçmesine rağmen “Yörük” adı ile anılmışlardır. İç Anadolu ve Batı Anadolu bölgelerinde Karakeçililer “Yörük” adı ile anılırken Doğu Anadolu bölgesindeki Karakeçililer Türkmen ve Ekrad adı ile anılmaktadırlar. Bu ayrım etnik farklılıkları çağrıştırsa da aslında, bu toplulukların idari ve sosyal açıdan farklılıklarına dikkat çekmektedir. Konunun derinine inerek incelediğimiz de Selçuklu Devletinden bu yana Türkmen isminin Kızıl ırmağın doğu-güney ve batı bölgelerine göre farklı isimler ile sınıflandırıldığını görmekteyiz. Buna göre Kızıl ırmağın doğu ve güney bölgelerinde yaşayan konar-göçerler "Türkmen", ırmağın batısında ve Rumeli de yaşayan konar-göçerler ise “Yörük” ismi ile anılmıştır. Günümüzde ise kültür faaliyetlerinin artması ile hala Karakeçili Aşireti ismi ve kültürü devam ettirilmektedir. Kırıkkale'nin Karakeçili ilçesinde, ilk olarak 1995 yılında başlayan “Karakeçili Uluslararası Kültür Şenliği” yapılmaktadır. Bu kültür şenliği, bugün uluslararası bir nitelik kazanmıştır. Geleneksel hale getirilerek, her Eylül ayının son haftasında üç gün yapılan bu şenliklere Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin ve Türk dünyasının birçok yerinden Karakeçili aşireti mensupları katılım sağlamaktadır.
Karakecilis who had a crucial role in Turkic and Islamic conversion of Anatolia, make their presence felt after XIst century onward. Turkic people had nomadic societies stemming from the conditions of geography in their lands. The immigration of Oghuz people to Anatolia resulted from the pressure Mongolians having on them. The noun Karakecili has two parts, one is and adjective “kara” (meaning “black”), the other one is “keci” (meaning “goat”). When we look at the sources, it can also be seen that there are lots of Turkmen tribes named in such fashion in animal nouns and adjectives as well as states named after in such fashion such as Akkoyunlu or Karakoyunlu can be seen. There are several hypotheses regarding to the roads that were traced by Karakecili people when coming to Anatolia. According to the first one, Karakecilis, a crowded and large clan, came to Anatolia together with the other Kayi tribes, in which they were a member, by following the road of Khorasan-Azerbaijan-Ahlat in the governance of Ertugrul Beg after the pressure from Mongolians. It is possible to encounter the traces of Kayi tribes in especially Kirikkale, Antalya, Eskisehir, Ankara, Balikesir, Kutahya, Konya, Kastamonu, Aydın, Adapazari, Bilecik, Bursa, Corum and Urfa. However, they were mostly resident in and around of Kirikkale. The people of Karakecili, at first know as Urfa Karakecilis, yet after having changes in governmental situation, immigration or inhabitation practices having to have been managed under different banners lived around Siverek, Viransehir and Beriyye. The existence of Urfa-Siverek and Suruc Karakecili people have been known since XVth and XVIth centuries. Urfa Karakecili people are under Simsor Karakecilis of Bingol and Eastern Anatolian Zaza Turkic tribe. With the establishment of Ottoman State, the notion of settled life, stemming from inhabitation practices and pressure from the state, resulted in the opposition of nomads. Despite the new order which bore the contrary results about the lifestyle and social structure of nomadic Turkmen tribes, the Turks who continued the nomadic lifestyle in Ottoman lands were called “Yörük”. This term was first encountered in official Ottoman records. The name of Karakecili tribe which was under the Gunhan branch of Bozoks of Oghuz was Turkmen in sources though they were called “Yörük”. While Karakecili people living in Middle and West Anatolia were called “Yörük”, the Eastern ones were named “Turkmen” or “Ekrad”. Be that this distinguish may remind ethnic differences, in fact, these two names barely highlight their governmental and social differences. We we dive deep into the subject, we may see that, since the Seljuk State, the term “Turkmen” had been stated differently according to being east or west of Kızılırmak. This may inform us that the nomadic people in eastern and southern side of Kızılırmak were called “Turkmen”, the nomadic people in the western side of the river and in Rumeli were called “Yörük”. Nowadays, with the increase in cultural activities, the name and culture of Karakecili tribe has been in the scene. In the county of Karakecili in Kırıkkale province, there has been a festival named “International Karakecili Cultural Festival”. This cultural festival has gained an international recognise. The attendance for the festival, held in the last week of September in three days, is by members of Karakecili tribe from several places in Repoblic of Turkey and Turkish world.
Karakecilis who had a crucial role in Turkic and Islamic conversion of Anatolia, make their presence felt after XIst century onward. Turkic people had nomadic societies stemming from the conditions of geography in their lands. The immigration of Oghuz people to Anatolia resulted from the pressure Mongolians having on them. The noun Karakecili has two parts, one is and adjective “kara” (meaning “black”), the other one is “keci” (meaning “goat”). When we look at the sources, it can also be seen that there are lots of Turkmen tribes named in such fashion in animal nouns and adjectives as well as states named after in such fashion such as Akkoyunlu or Karakoyunlu can be seen. There are several hypotheses regarding to the roads that were traced by Karakecili people when coming to Anatolia. According to the first one, Karakecilis, a crowded and large clan, came to Anatolia together with the other Kayi tribes, in which they were a member, by following the road of Khorasan-Azerbaijan-Ahlat in the governance of Ertugrul Beg after the pressure from Mongolians. It is possible to encounter the traces of Kayi tribes in especially Kirikkale, Antalya, Eskisehir, Ankara, Balikesir, Kutahya, Konya, Kastamonu, Aydın, Adapazari, Bilecik, Bursa, Corum and Urfa. However, they were mostly resident in and around of Kirikkale. The people of Karakecili, at first know as Urfa Karakecilis, yet after having changes in governmental situation, immigration or inhabitation practices having to have been managed under different banners lived around Siverek, Viransehir and Beriyye. The existence of Urfa-Siverek and Suruc Karakecili people have been known since XVth and XVIth centuries. Urfa Karakecili people are under Simsor Karakecilis of Bingol and Eastern Anatolian Zaza Turkic tribe. With the establishment of Ottoman State, the notion of settled life, stemming from inhabitation practices and pressure from the state, resulted in the opposition of nomads. Despite the new order which bore the contrary results about the lifestyle and social structure of nomadic Turkmen tribes, the Turks who continued the nomadic lifestyle in Ottoman lands were called “Yörük”. This term was first encountered in official Ottoman records. The name of Karakecili tribe which was under the Gunhan branch of Bozoks of Oghuz was Turkmen in sources though they were called “Yörük”. While Karakecili people living in Middle and West Anatolia were called “Yörük”, the Eastern ones were named “Turkmen” or “Ekrad”. Be that this distinguish may remind ethnic differences, in fact, these two names barely highlight their governmental and social differences. We we dive deep into the subject, we may see that, since the Seljuk State, the term “Turkmen” had been stated differently according to being east or west of Kızılırmak. This may inform us that the nomadic people in eastern and southern side of Kızılırmak were called “Turkmen”, the nomadic people in the western side of the river and in Rumeli were called “Yörük”. Nowadays, with the increase in cultural activities, the name and culture of Karakecili tribe has been in the scene. In the county of Karakecili in Kırıkkale province, there has been a festival named “International Karakecili Cultural Festival”. This cultural festival has gained an international recognise. The attendance for the festival, held in the last week of September in three days, is by members of Karakecili tribe from several places in Repoblic of Turkey and Turkish world.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anadolu, karakeçili, yörük, Karakecili, Yoruks, Anatolia
Genel Türk Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi
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