Hicri 3. ve 4. yüzyılın önde gelen münekkitlerine göre tümevarım ve sebr/araştırma (Karşılaştırmalı araştırma)
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Hadis âlimleri, Hz. Peygamber'in sünnetine diğer ilimlerde benzerine rastlanmayacak bir önem atfetmişlerdir. Hadise verilen bu önem, hadisin altın çağı olarak isimlendirilen hicri 3 ve 4. asırlarda hadis elde etmek ve hadis ilimleriyle ilgili kitaplar yazmak konularında bariz bir şekilde görülmüştür. Hadis ilmi, rivayet üzerine kurulu olduğu için ravilerin durumlarını bilmek ve haberlerini araştırmak, muhaddislerin en önde gelen hedefleridir. Şüphesiz ravilerin biyografileriyle ilgili bilgi edinmenin birçok yolu olsa da sebr/araştırma ve tümevarım bu yoların en başında gelmektedir. Bu çalışma hadis münekkitlerinin temel dayanaklarından olan araştırma ve tümevarımı açıklamayı hedeflemektedir. Araştırmada sebr ve tümevarımın manası, şartları, cerh ta?dîl ilmine etkisi uygulamalı olarak ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın bir diğer amacı ise, hicri 3 ve 4. yüzyılın en meşhur cerh ta?dîl alimlerinin, ravi ve ravilerin rivayetlerini araştırma hususunda sebr ve tümevarımı nasıl kullandıklarını tespit etmedir. Araştırma, tümevarımı ifade etmek üzere alimlerin kullandıkları lafızları ortaya koymaya ve tahlil etmeye dayanmaktadır. Ayrıca alimlerin verdikleri örnekler zikredilerek; teorik bilgilerin nasıl uygulandığı da gösterilmiştir. Çalışma araştırmacının ulaştığı sonuçlarla bitmiştir.
Hadith scholars ascribed an unprecedented importance to the Sunnah of the Prophet. This importance given to the hadith was clearly seen in obtaining hadith and writing books on hadith sciences in the 3rd and 4th centuries, which is called the golden age of hadith. Since the science of hadith is based on narration, knowing the status of the narrators and researching their news are the foremost goals of the hadiths. Undoubtedly, although there are many ways to obtain information about the biographies of the narrators, sabr/research and induction are at the top of these ways. This study aims to explain research and induction, which are the main pillars of hadith critics. In the research, the meaning, conditions and effects of sebr and induction on the science of cerh ta?dîl were tried to be put forward in practice. Another aim of the research is to determine how the most famous hadith scholars of the 3rd and 4th century AH used sabr and induction in researching the narrators and narrators' narrations. The research is based on revealing and analyzing the words used by scholars to express induction. In addition, by citing the examples given by the scholars; How theoretical knowledge is applied is also shown. The study ended with the conclusions reached by the researcher.
Hadith scholars ascribed an unprecedented importance to the Sunnah of the Prophet. This importance given to the hadith was clearly seen in obtaining hadith and writing books on hadith sciences in the 3rd and 4th centuries, which is called the golden age of hadith. Since the science of hadith is based on narration, knowing the status of the narrators and researching their news are the foremost goals of the hadiths. Undoubtedly, although there are many ways to obtain information about the biographies of the narrators, sabr/research and induction are at the top of these ways. This study aims to explain research and induction, which are the main pillars of hadith critics. In the research, the meaning, conditions and effects of sebr and induction on the science of cerh ta?dîl were tried to be put forward in practice. Another aim of the research is to determine how the most famous hadith scholars of the 3rd and 4th century AH used sabr and induction in researching the narrators and narrators' narrations. The research is based on revealing and analyzing the words used by scholars to express induction. In addition, by citing the examples given by the scholars; How theoretical knowledge is applied is also shown. The study ended with the conclusions reached by the researcher.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion