El-İnsâf fî Keşfil Keşşâf elyazmasından Bakara sûresi 170-286. ayetlerin tahkiki
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Elyazması (bu eser),ez-Zemahşeri'nin tefsiriyle ilgili olup, kitaptaki mutezilî görüşleri, dille ilgili meseleleri ve ihtilaflı konuları ele alıp tartışıyor. Ayrıca bazılarının Zemahşeri'nin İtizalî görüşlerini şiddetle tenkit ettiği halde muhalefetlerinin eserin güzel yönlerini görmeye mani olmadığını, yapılan tenkitlerin onun tefsiri ve tefsirini inceleyenler için bir bir nasihat kabilinden olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ancak bazı haşiye sahiplerinin ez-Zemahşeri ile olan ihtilaflarının sorunlu olduğunu, aralarında adil bir şekilde hüküm verecek birine ihtiyaç duyulduğunu da belirtmek gerekir. İşte bu işi Allame Ebu Zer'a ve Irak'ın önde gelen âlimlerinden olan babası yapmıştır. Bunlar dengeli bir tutum sergilemiş, haşiye sahiplerine adil davrandıkları gibi Zemahşeri'ye de insaflı davranmışlardır. Ayrıca ve el-Keşşaf'taki hadislerin de tahricini gerçekleştirmişlerdir.
The manuscript is concerned with the Tafsir Al-Zamakhshari(interpretation of Al-Zamakhshari) and discusses the Mu'tazilah doctrine and the linguistic and contentious issues it contains ; And how some of them criticized Al-Zamakhshari in his Mu'tazilite doctrine and strongly biased against him, even though their disagreement with him did not lead to the Ingratitude, but rather as a matter of advice for the interpretation and who study it; Taking into consideration that the disagreement between the owners of footnotes with Al-Zamakhshari was subject to consideration in some of it, and it required a fair person to judge between them which it happened when The scholar Abu Zaraa and his father came and took a neutral stance, and were fair towards the footnotes and Al-Zamakhshari, and they began attributing the Hadiths found in the Al-Kashaf Tafsir Book(Al-Kashaf interpretation Book) to their directors.
The manuscript is concerned with the Tafsir Al-Zamakhshari(interpretation of Al-Zamakhshari) and discusses the Mu'tazilah doctrine and the linguistic and contentious issues it contains ; And how some of them criticized Al-Zamakhshari in his Mu'tazilite doctrine and strongly biased against him, even though their disagreement with him did not lead to the Ingratitude, but rather as a matter of advice for the interpretation and who study it; Taking into consideration that the disagreement between the owners of footnotes with Al-Zamakhshari was subject to consideration in some of it, and it required a fair person to judge between them which it happened when The scholar Abu Zaraa and his father came and took a neutral stance, and were fair towards the footnotes and Al-Zamakhshari, and they began attributing the Hadiths found in the Al-Kashaf Tafsir Book(Al-Kashaf interpretation Book) to their directors.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion, Bakara suresi, Bakara sura, Ebu Zer, Ebu Zer, El-Keşşaf, Al-Keşşaf, Kur'an-ı Kerim, Koran, Mutezile, Mutazila, Tefsir, Commentary, Yazma eserler, Manuscripts, Zemahşeri, Zemahşeri