Sanatçının nesneye yüklediği nostaljik anlam
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Zaman, hayatı oluşturan temel ögelerden biridir. Nostalji kavramı bu tezde; özerk nesne üzerinden ele alınmak istenmiştir. Nostalji ve Nesne kavramları üzerinden öz kimlik oluşumuyla bellekteki anıların izleri bugüne aktarılmıştır. Konu sanatta nesne, nostalji ve zaman olarak bütüncül bir şekilde ele alınmak yerine "benim nesnelerimdeki nostalji" olarak sanatçının nesnesi odağa alınıp örneklerle sınırlandırılmıştır. Bu çalışmada yağlı pastel ve terebentinle kâğıt üzerine yapılan resimler, nesneye yüklenen anlam ve nostalji sanatsal ifadeyle irdelenmektedir. Sanatçıların nesne dünyasındaki ifadelerinden ve sanatsal referanslardan yararlanılmış, aynı zamanda özerk yaşantının resme yansıması olarak kültür ve toplum nostalji bağlamında ele alınmıştır.
Time is one of the basic elements that make up life. The concept of nostalgia in this thesis; It is intended to be handled through the autonomous object. The traces of memories in memory have been transferred to today with the formation of self-identity through the concepts of nostalgia and object. Instead of dealing with the subject holistically as object, nostalgia and time in art, the artist's object as "nostalgia in my objects" is focused and limited to examples. In this study, paintings made on paper with oil pastel and turpentine, the meaning and nostalgia attributed to the object are examined with artistic expression. The expressions of the artists in the world of objects and artistic references were used, and at the same time, culture and society were discussed in the context of nostalgia as the reflection of autonomous life in painting.
Time is one of the basic elements that make up life. The concept of nostalgia in this thesis; It is intended to be handled through the autonomous object. The traces of memories in memory have been transferred to today with the formation of self-identity through the concepts of nostalgia and object. Instead of dealing with the subject holistically as object, nostalgia and time in art, the artist's object as "nostalgia in my objects" is focused and limited to examples. In this study, paintings made on paper with oil pastel and turpentine, the meaning and nostalgia attributed to the object are examined with artistic expression. The expressions of the artists in the world of objects and artistic references were used, and at the same time, culture and society were discussed in the context of nostalgia as the reflection of autonomous life in painting.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güzel Sanatlar, Fine Arts