Şair Piremerdin şiirlerinde eşanlamlılık ve çok anlamlılık
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Araştırma özeti Bu araştırmanın konusu ( eşanlamlılık ve çok anlamlılık piremerdın şiirinde) dır. Kürtçe dilinde Eşanlamlılık ve çok anlamlılığı kapsayan bi çalışmadır. piremerd şaiirin şiirlerı üzerine yapılan bir çalışmadır.anlam bilimini detaylı bir şekilde anlattmıştır. Bu tez : ön söz , üç bölüm , sonuç , kaynakça ve referans listesinden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölüm iki eksenden oluşmuştur, birinci eksenin konusun(anlam biliminin doğumu ) dır. Ikinci eksenin temel başlığı ise ( kelime anlam bilimi)dır, bu eksende sözcük tanımı, anlam biliminin bazı yönleri (pragmatik,simantik) , anlam teorileri , anlam biliminin türleri anlatılmıştır. Ikinci bölüm de iki eksenden oluşmaktadır , birinci eksenin konusu ( anlam birimleri) olan , anlam türleri , anlam teorileri) olmak üzere iki temel başlığa ayrılmıştır. Ikinci eksenin konusu ise ( anlam ilişkileri ) dır , bazı önemli konular içeriyor : eşanlamlıların derin ilişkileri , türleri , yatay ilişkileri , sözcüğün anlam belirsizliği , birden fazla anlamlılar ve sorunları gibi , piremerd şaiirin şirindeki ve şimdiki zamanın halk arasındaki anlamlar arasındaki farklılıklar açıklanmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde Araştırmanın konusu olan ( eşanlamlılık ve çok anlamlılık piremerd şaiirin şiirinde ) araştırmanın uygulamalı tarafıdır. Bu bölümde iki eksenden oluşmaktadır, birinci eksende kısaca piremerd şaiirin hayatı ve şirindeki eş anlamlılık ve türleri incelenmiştir. Ikinci eksende ise piremerdin şiirindeki birden fazla anlamlılar gösterilmiştir. Son olarak bu araştırma Türkçe , Arapça ve İngilizce dillerde özetlenmiştir.
Abstract This research (Synonymy art Multi-Meaning in the Proverbs of the Poet Piramerd ) is Specially concerned with Synonymy and Multi-meaning in Kurdish Language. Here , different examples are Presented on both subjects which are Proverbs of the poet himself. The work also discusses and deals with meaning and many other subjects in the field of semantics more accurately in a comprehensives manner. To achieve the objectives, the research consist of an introduction and three main pasts followed by a conclusion and the bibliography. Part one includes two sections, section one is about the history of the rise of meaning which tackles some important aspects of meaning along with introducing meaning and semantics. Section Tow deals the definition of meaning, pragmatics. Semantics and many other sides of meaning. Part Two consists of two sections, Section One is entitled (The Meaning Units), includes some important subject, like kinds of meaning and meaning theories. Section Tow (Semantic Relations) talks about points Such as vertical and horizontal relations of Synonymy, ambiguous meaning of words, problems and reasons of Multi-meaning constructions in addition to a comparison between the meaning that associate with Piramerd's Proverbs and those meanings which now are existing among people. Also , many other points of multi-meaning are clarified this section. Part Three focuses or the main topic of the research, Synonymy and Multi-meaning in the proverbs of the Poet Piramerd. This is the practical part of the whole work which is divided into two sections, Section One presents a Summary of the Poet's biography and works, then is explains Synonymy and types of Synonymy in the Poet's proverbs.Section Tow is devoted to Multi- meaning in the Poet's proverbs. The whole research ends with conclusion followed by a bibliography and abstracts in Arabic , English and Turkish languages.
Abstract This research (Synonymy art Multi-Meaning in the Proverbs of the Poet Piramerd ) is Specially concerned with Synonymy and Multi-meaning in Kurdish Language. Here , different examples are Presented on both subjects which are Proverbs of the poet himself. The work also discusses and deals with meaning and many other subjects in the field of semantics more accurately in a comprehensives manner. To achieve the objectives, the research consist of an introduction and three main pasts followed by a conclusion and the bibliography. Part one includes two sections, section one is about the history of the rise of meaning which tackles some important aspects of meaning along with introducing meaning and semantics. Section Tow deals the definition of meaning, pragmatics. Semantics and many other sides of meaning. Part Two consists of two sections, Section One is entitled (The Meaning Units), includes some important subject, like kinds of meaning and meaning theories. Section Tow (Semantic Relations) talks about points Such as vertical and horizontal relations of Synonymy, ambiguous meaning of words, problems and reasons of Multi-meaning constructions in addition to a comparison between the meaning that associate with Piramerd's Proverbs and those meanings which now are existing among people. Also , many other points of multi-meaning are clarified this section. Part Three focuses or the main topic of the research, Synonymy and Multi-meaning in the proverbs of the Poet Piramerd. This is the practical part of the whole work which is divided into two sections, Section One presents a Summary of the Poet's biography and works, then is explains Synonymy and types of Synonymy in the Poet's proverbs.Section Tow is devoted to Multi- meaning in the Poet's proverbs. The whole research ends with conclusion followed by a bibliography and abstracts in Arabic , English and Turkish languages.
Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığı ile (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatı, Eastern Linguistics and Literature