Mardin ilinde ikinci ürün yer fıstığı yetiştiriciliğinde uygun çeşitlerin belirlenmesi
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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Mardin ilinde son zamanlarda farklı nedenlerden dolayı, ikinci ürün ekiminde sadece mısır bitkisi tercih edilmektedir. Ancak mısır bitkisinin hem toprağı sömürmesi hem de yüksek miktarda suya ihtiyaç duyması ve sulamanın basınçlı sistemlerle yapılması nedeni ile elektrik maliyetini arttırmakta, dolayısıyla ana ürün sonrası ikinci ürün yetiştiriciliğinde alternatif olabilecek daha düşük maliyetli bitki yetiştiriciliği üzerinde bazı araştırmalar yapılmaktadır. Yerfıstığı bitkisi de bunlardan biridir. 2020 yılında Mardin ilimizde çiftçi şartlarında gerçekleştirilen ikinci ürün yerfıstığı yetiştiriciliğinde iyi sonuçlar alındığı için bu araştırmaya konu olmuştur. Bu anlamda, Mardin ilinde 2021 yılında pandemi koşullarında buğdaydan sonra ikinci ürün olarak 10 yerfıstığı çeşidinin adaptasyonu araştırılmıştır. Denemeler Tesadüf Bloklar Deneme Deseninde üç tekerrürlü olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada bitki boyu, bitki başına ana dal ve meyve sayısı, iç oranı, bitkide meyve verimi, bitkide tohum verimi, 100 tohum ağırlığı, meyve verimi ve tane verimi gibi özellikler incelenmiştir. Varyans analizi sonuçlarına göre bitki boyu ve ana dal sayısı bakımından çeşitler arasında %0.5, diğer özellikler bakımından çeşitler arasında %0.1 oranında önemli farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Varyans analizi sonuçlarına göre; bitki boyu; 62.1-53,1 cm, ana dal sayısı; 4.53-5.20 adet/bitki, bitki başına bakla sayısı; 27.3-42.5, tane oranı %37.0-47.1, bitki başına tane verimi(bakla); 71.7-120 g, bitki başına tane verimi(tohum); 25.1-51.3 g, 100 tohum ağırlığı; 68.1-103.4 g, tane verimi(bakla); 214.3-507.9 kg/da, tane verimi(tohum); 93.7-220.7 kg/da. Bu sonuçlara göre; tane verimi, meyve verimi, bitki başına meyve verimi ve 100 tane ağırlığı bakımından; NC-7 ve Masal çeşitleri, çekirdek oranı bakımından Gazipaşa çeşidi yüksek değerlere sahip olmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Mardin koşullarında ikinci ürün yetiştiriciliğinde NC-7 ve Masal çeşitleri önerilmektedir.
Due to different reasons, only corn plant is preferred for second crop planting in Mardin province. However, there are some researches on low-cost plant cultivation, which can be an alternative to the second crop after the main crop, because the corn plant both exploits the soil and needs a high amount of water and increases the cost of electricity due to the irrigation done with pressurized systems. The peanut plant is one of them. Since good results were obtained in the second crop peanut cultivation carried out under farmer conditions in Mardin in 2020, it has been the subject of this research. In this sense, the adaptation of 10 peanut varieties as the second product after wheat under pandemic conditions in 2021 in Mardin province was investigated. Trials were carried out in Random Blocks Trial Design with three replications. In the study, characteristics such as plant height, number of main branches and fruit per plant, internal ratio, fruit yield per plant, seed yield per plant, 100 seed weight, fruit yield and grain yield were investigated. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were determined between cultivars in terms of plant height and number of main branches by 0.5%, and between cultivars by 0.1% in terms of other characteristics. According to the results of variance analysis; plant height; 62.1-53.1 cm, number of main branches; 4.53-5.20 units/plant, pods per plant; 27.3-42.5, grain rate 37.0-47.1%, grain yield per plant (bean); 71.7-120 g, yield per plant (seeds); 25.1-51.3 g, weight of 100 seeds; 68.1-103.4 g, grain yield (pods); 2143-5079 kg/ha, grain yield (seed); 937-2207 kg/ha. According to these results; in terms of grain yield, fruit yield, fruit yield per plant and 100 grain weight; NC-7 and Masal cultivars had high values for Gazipaşa cultivar in terms of seed ratio. As a result, NC-7 and Masal varieties are recommended for second crop cultivation in Mardin conditions.
Due to different reasons, only corn plant is preferred for second crop planting in Mardin province. However, there are some researches on low-cost plant cultivation, which can be an alternative to the second crop after the main crop, because the corn plant both exploits the soil and needs a high amount of water and increases the cost of electricity due to the irrigation done with pressurized systems. The peanut plant is one of them. Since good results were obtained in the second crop peanut cultivation carried out under farmer conditions in Mardin in 2020, it has been the subject of this research. In this sense, the adaptation of 10 peanut varieties as the second product after wheat under pandemic conditions in 2021 in Mardin province was investigated. Trials were carried out in Random Blocks Trial Design with three replications. In the study, characteristics such as plant height, number of main branches and fruit per plant, internal ratio, fruit yield per plant, seed yield per plant, 100 seed weight, fruit yield and grain yield were investigated. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were determined between cultivars in terms of plant height and number of main branches by 0.5%, and between cultivars by 0.1% in terms of other characteristics. According to the results of variance analysis; plant height; 62.1-53.1 cm, number of main branches; 4.53-5.20 units/plant, pods per plant; 27.3-42.5, grain rate 37.0-47.1%, grain yield per plant (bean); 71.7-120 g, yield per plant (seeds); 25.1-51.3 g, weight of 100 seeds; 68.1-103.4 g, grain yield (pods); 2143-5079 kg/ha, grain yield (seed); 937-2207 kg/ha. According to these results; in terms of grain yield, fruit yield, fruit yield per plant and 100 grain weight; NC-7 and Masal cultivars had high values for Gazipaşa cultivar in terms of seed ratio. As a result, NC-7 and Masal varieties are recommended for second crop cultivation in Mardin conditions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture