Endülüs'te valiler dönemi (714-756)
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Yaklaşık 8 asır süren Müslümanların Endülüs'teki varlıklarının ilk safhası olan Valiler Dönemi (714-756), Endülüs İslâm Devleti'nin kuruluş, yerleşme ve tahkim evresini teşkil eder. Bu dönem, yabancı bir coğrafyada, Avrupa'nın Batı tarafında, Müslümanlar ile Avrupa arasında doğal bir duvar/sınır olan Akdeniz'in kuzeyinde inşâ edilen bir devletin ortaya çıkış dönemidir. Bu çalışma, Müslümanların İberik Yarımadası'nda teşekkül eden ilk devletlerinin kuruluş dönemi olan valiler dönemindeki askerî, siyasî ve toplumsal hadiseleri incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu dönemde vuku bulan dahilî ve haricî isyanlar sıkça valilerin değişmesine neden olmuş, siyasî, toplumsal ve ekonomik istikrar sekteye uğramıştır. Dahilî ve haricî problemlerin varlığı, Endülüs valilerinin yürütmüş oldukları fetih harekâtlarını yavaşlatmış olsa da, Avrupa'nın içlerine doğru yaptıkları akınlar uzun süre devam etmiştir. Valiler döneminin Endülüs Tarihi içerisindeki öneminin tespiti bu çalışmanın diğer önemli bir hedefidir.
The Governors Period (714-756), which is the first phase of the existence of Muslims in Andalusia, which lasted for about 8 centuries, constitutes the establishment, settlement and fortification phase of the Islamic State of Andalusia. This period is the period of the emergence of a state built in a foreign geography, on the western side of Europe, in the north of the Mediterranean, which is a natural wall/border between Muslims and Europe. This study aims to examine the military, political and social events in the period of the governors, which is the foundation period of the first states of the Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula. Internal and external revolts that took place in this period caused frequent changes in governors, and political, social and economic stability was disrupted. Although the existence of internal and external problems weakened the Andalusian governors' love for jihad, they continued their conquest operations towards the interior of Europe for a long time. It is aimed to determine the importance of the period of governors in the history of Andalusia by seeing the conquest operations and internal problems.
The Governors Period (714-756), which is the first phase of the existence of Muslims in Andalusia, which lasted for about 8 centuries, constitutes the establishment, settlement and fortification phase of the Islamic State of Andalusia. This period is the period of the emergence of a state built in a foreign geography, on the western side of Europe, in the north of the Mediterranean, which is a natural wall/border between Muslims and Europe. This study aims to examine the military, political and social events in the period of the governors, which is the foundation period of the first states of the Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula. Internal and external revolts that took place in this period caused frequent changes in governors, and political, social and economic stability was disrupted. Although the existence of internal and external problems weakened the Andalusian governors' love for jihad, they continued their conquest operations towards the interior of Europe for a long time. It is aimed to determine the importance of the period of governors in the history of Andalusia by seeing the conquest operations and internal problems.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Endülüs, Valiler Dönemi, Belâtüşşühedâ Savaşı, Berberî İsyanları, Andalusia, Governors Period, Battle of Belâtüşşüheda, Berber Revolts, Tarih, History