Carassıus auratus, carassıus gıbelıo ve capoeta umbla'nın yağ asitlerinin mevsimsel değişimi
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Carassius auratus, Carassius gibelio, Capoeta umbla'nın kas dokusu total lipidi, triaçilgliserol ve fosfolipit fraksiyonundaki yağ asidi kompozisyonunun mevsime bağlı değişimleri araştırılmıştır. Balıkların; kas dokusundaki total lipit, triaçilgliserol ve fosfolipit fraksiyonlarındaki yağ asidi içerikleri; yağ asidi standartları kullanılarak, gaz kromatografi ile belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, ?SFA, ?MUFA ve ?PUFA düzeylerinin, balık türleri arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Üç balık türünün kas dokularından ekstrakte edilen total lipitlerinde ?SFA oranı % 16.14-52.98, ?MUFA % 13.98-49.24 arasında değişmiştir. Kas dokunun total lipidinde ?PUFA yüzdesi, % 14.31-37.00 arasında bulunmuştur. Tüm mevsimlerde üç balık türünün kaslarındaki total lipitlerde ?SFA içinde temel bileşen C16: 0 (% 11.74-36.82), tekli doymamış yağ asitleri içinde 18: 1n-9 (% 11.55-45.78), ?PUFA içinde C18: 2n-6 (% 1.66-25.64) ve C22: 6n-3 (% 1.39-13.14)'tir. Bu çalışmada balıkların total lipitlerinde n-3/n-6 oranı; 1.15-4.05 aralığında tespit edilmiştir. C. gibelio ve C. auratus ile karşılaştırıldığında, C. umbla'nın kasında n-3/n-6 oranının daha yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Üç balık türünün kas dokularındaki TAG ve PL yağ asidi kompozisyonları farklı bulunmuştur. Triaçilgliseroller; yüksek oranda ?MUFA, C16: 1n-7, C18: 2n-6; fosfolipitler ise yüksek miktarda ?PUFA, C20: 3n-6, C20: 4n-6, C22: 6n-3 ve C18: 0 içermiştir.
In this study, seasonal variations in total lipid and fatty acid composition of total lipid, triacylglycerol and phospholipid fractions in muscle of Carassius auratus, Carassius gibelio, Capoeta umbla were investigated. Fatty acid compositions of total lipid, TAG and PL fractions have been determined in muscle tissues of fishes by gas chromatography using a mixture of fatty acid standards. The present study revealed that ?SFA, ?MUFA, and ?PUFA levels varied among fish species. The ?SFA and ?MUFA percentages of the total lipid extracted from muscle tissues of the three fish species ranged from 16.14 % to 52.98 % and from 13.98 % to 49.24 %, respectively. The ?PUFA percentages of the total lipid in muscle tissue was found from 14.31 % to 37.00 %. The main constituents were C16: 0 (11.74-36.82 % among ?SFA, and C18: 1n-9 (11.55-45.78 %) among ?MUFA, C18: 2n-6 (1.66-25.64 %) and C22: 6n-3 (1.39-13.14 %) among ?PUFA in the total lipid extracted from tissues of three fish species in all seasons. In this study, the n-3/n-6 ratio was determined to range from 0.22 to 3.26, in total lipids all species. The higher n-3/n-6 ratio was found in muscle of C. umbla compared with C. gibelio ve C. auratus. Triacylglycerol and PL fatty acid compositions in muscle tissues of three fish species were found different. Triacylglycerols were characterized by a high content of ?MUFA, C16: 1n-7, C18: 2n-6; whereas phospholipids contained a large quantity of ?PUFA, mainly, C20: 3n-6, C20: 4n-6, C22: 6n-3 and C18: 0.
In this study, seasonal variations in total lipid and fatty acid composition of total lipid, triacylglycerol and phospholipid fractions in muscle of Carassius auratus, Carassius gibelio, Capoeta umbla were investigated. Fatty acid compositions of total lipid, TAG and PL fractions have been determined in muscle tissues of fishes by gas chromatography using a mixture of fatty acid standards. The present study revealed that ?SFA, ?MUFA, and ?PUFA levels varied among fish species. The ?SFA and ?MUFA percentages of the total lipid extracted from muscle tissues of the three fish species ranged from 16.14 % to 52.98 % and from 13.98 % to 49.24 %, respectively. The ?PUFA percentages of the total lipid in muscle tissue was found from 14.31 % to 37.00 %. The main constituents were C16: 0 (11.74-36.82 % among ?SFA, and C18: 1n-9 (11.55-45.78 %) among ?MUFA, C18: 2n-6 (1.66-25.64 %) and C22: 6n-3 (1.39-13.14 %) among ?PUFA in the total lipid extracted from tissues of three fish species in all seasons. In this study, the n-3/n-6 ratio was determined to range from 0.22 to 3.26, in total lipids all species. The higher n-3/n-6 ratio was found in muscle of C. umbla compared with C. gibelio ve C. auratus. Triacylglycerol and PL fatty acid compositions in muscle tissues of three fish species were found different. Triacylglycerols were characterized by a high content of ?MUFA, C16: 1n-7, C18: 2n-6; whereas phospholipids contained a large quantity of ?PUFA, mainly, C20: 3n-6, C20: 4n-6, C22: 6n-3 and C18: 0.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology