Kant felsefesinde estetik ideler ve deha
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışma Kant'ın estetik ideleri ile akıl idelerinin benzer ya da birbirlerine evrilemeyeceğini deha kavramı bağlamında ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde; Kant estetiğinin temel kavramlarından olan 'güzel'in eleştirisi yapılmış ve 'beğeni'nin özne ve nesne açısından nasıl gerçekleştiği ifade edilmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise, Kant'ın güzel, iyi ve yüce olarak ayırdığı estetik yargılar ve bu yargıların deneyim türleri açıklanmıştır. Güzelden duyulan hoşlanmanın herkes tarafından kabul edilmesinin, güzelin içkin tümelliğinden kaynaklandığı analiz edildikten sonra ise güzelin yargılandığı yeti olan, yargı gücü ve işlevi anlatılacaktır. Daha sonra güzelden duyulan hoşlanmanın herkes tarafından iletilebilirliğini sağlayan ortak duyu becerisine yer verilecektir. Kant'ın nesneleri güzel ve yüce olarak ayırmasından hareketle yüce duygusu son başlık altında açıklanacaktır. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde ise, ilk olarak dehanın özellikleri tanımlanacaktır. Sonra deha ve ürettiği sanat, sanat eserinin yargılanmasında görev alan beğeni ve deha ilişkisi ifade edilecektir. Dehanın ürettiği sanat eseri ve sanat eserinde somutlaşan estetik idelere değinildikten sonra estetik ideler ve aklın ideleri mukayese edilmiştir. Sadece sanat alanında geçerli olan estetik ideler ve duyulur üstünü anlamlandıran akıl ideleri farklı ideler olup herhangi bir noktada birbirlerine evrilebilmeleri mümkün olmayan idelerdir.
This study reveals that the aesthetic ideas of Kant and the ideas of reason cannot be similar or evolve into each other in the context of the concept of genius. In the first part of the study, the critique of 'beautiful', which is one of the basic concepts of Kant's aesthetics, is made and how 'liking' occurs in terms of subject and object is expressed. In the second chapter, the aesthetic judgments that Kant distinguishes between the beautiful, the good and the sublime and the types of experience of these judgments are explained. After analyzing that the acceptance of the liking for the beautiful by everyone is due to the inherent integrity of the beautiful, the power and function of the judgment, which is the power by which the beautiful is judged, is explained. Then the common sense skill is included, which ensures that the pleasure for the beautiful can be transmitted by everyone. Proceeding from the fact that Kant distinguishes objects as beautiful and sublime, the feeling of the sublime is described under the last title. In the third part of the study, on the other hand, the characteristics of genius are defined first. Then the relationship between genius and the art it produces, the appreciation and genius involved in judging a work of art are expressed. After referring to the work of art produced by genius and the aesthetic ideas embodied in the work of art, the aesthetic ideas and the ideas of reason are compared. The aesthetic ideas that apply only in the field of art and the ideas of reason that make sense of the audible are different ideas and ideas that cannot evolve into each other at any point.
This study reveals that the aesthetic ideas of Kant and the ideas of reason cannot be similar or evolve into each other in the context of the concept of genius. In the first part of the study, the critique of 'beautiful', which is one of the basic concepts of Kant's aesthetics, is made and how 'liking' occurs in terms of subject and object is expressed. In the second chapter, the aesthetic judgments that Kant distinguishes between the beautiful, the good and the sublime and the types of experience of these judgments are explained. After analyzing that the acceptance of the liking for the beautiful by everyone is due to the inherent integrity of the beautiful, the power and function of the judgment, which is the power by which the beautiful is judged, is explained. Then the common sense skill is included, which ensures that the pleasure for the beautiful can be transmitted by everyone. Proceeding from the fact that Kant distinguishes objects as beautiful and sublime, the feeling of the sublime is described under the last title. In the third part of the study, on the other hand, the characteristics of genius are defined first. Then the relationship between genius and the art it produces, the appreciation and genius involved in judging a work of art are expressed. After referring to the work of art produced by genius and the aesthetic ideas embodied in the work of art, the aesthetic ideas and the ideas of reason are compared. The aesthetic ideas that apply only in the field of art and the ideas of reason that make sense of the audible are different ideas and ideas that cannot evolve into each other at any point.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kant estetiği, güzel, beğeni yargısı, ortak duyu, deha, estetik ideler, akli ideler, Kant aesthetics, beauty, appreciation judgment, common sense, genius, aesthetic ideas, mental ideas, Felsefe, Philosophy