İslam öncesi ve Peygamber döneminde Arap toplumunda kadının durumu
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, İslam öncesi dönemden Peygamber dönemine kadar Arap toplumunda kadınların durumunu incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Zira Bu konu, her düzeyde büyük tartışmalara yol açan en önemli konulardan biridir. Oryantalistler, kadınların İslam'daki en zayıf halka olduğuna inanıyorlardı. Onlar da bununla İslam hukukunu bozabileceklerini ve tahrif edebileceklerini düşündüler. Oryantalistler, İslam'ın kadınlara zulmü ve erkeklerin kadınlara tercihi hakkında bir takım sözlerin kullanımına güvendiler. Amaçları başkalarını da buna ikna etmeye çalışmaktı. Bu tezde, Arap toplumunda kadının statüsü konusunu dört bölümde şu şekilde ele almaya çalıştım: Birinci bölümde İslam'dan önceki medeniyetlerde ve dinlerde kadının konumundan bahsetmiştim. Bütün bu medeniyetlerin ve dinlerin, İslam'ın kadınlara yaptığı gibi kadınlara adalet yapmadığı sonucuna vardım. İkinci bölümde İslam öncesi dönemde kadının konumu, siyasi konumu, toplumsal ve askeri rolü ele alınmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde, kadınların sosyal, siyasi ve askeri hayatlarına ışık tutarak Peygamber döneminde kadının durumunu ele aldım. Kadının cehalet karanlığındaki durumunu tahlil ettik ve en mühim meselelerde onu yücelten, statüsünü ve erkeklerle eşitliğini yükselten İslam'ın nuruyla karşılaştırdık. Dördüncü bölümde ise İslam öncesi kadının durumu ile Peygamber döneminde kadının durumu arasında yaptığım karşılaştırmanın sonuçları incelenmiştir.
This research aims to analyze the conditions of women in Arab society from the pre-Islamic era to the Prophet's era. Where this issue is one of the most important issues that have raised great debates at all levels. The orientalists believed that women are the weakest link in Islam, and through them they can destroy and distort Islamic law, by sticking to some rumors about Islam's oppression of women and the preference of men over them, and convincing themselves of that and trying to convince others of that as well. In this thesis, I tried to address the issue of the status of women in Arab society in four chapters as follows: I spoke in the first chapter about the status of women in the civilizations and religions that preceded Islam, and it was noted that all these civilizations and religions did not do justice to women, as Islam did justice to them. In the second chapter, it dealt with the status of women in the pre-Islamic era, their political status, and their social and military role. In the third chapter, we dealt with the status of women in the Prophet's era by shedding light on their social, political and military life. We tried to analyze the situation of women in the darkness of ignorance and compare them with the light of Islam, which honored her and raised her status and equality with men in all matters. As for the fourth chapter, the results of the comparison I made between the condition of the woman in the pre-Islamic era and the condition of the woman in the Prophet's era were analyzed.
This research aims to analyze the conditions of women in Arab society from the pre-Islamic era to the Prophet's era. Where this issue is one of the most important issues that have raised great debates at all levels. The orientalists believed that women are the weakest link in Islam, and through them they can destroy and distort Islamic law, by sticking to some rumors about Islam's oppression of women and the preference of men over them, and convincing themselves of that and trying to convince others of that as well. In this thesis, I tried to address the issue of the status of women in Arab society in four chapters as follows: I spoke in the first chapter about the status of women in the civilizations and religions that preceded Islam, and it was noted that all these civilizations and religions did not do justice to women, as Islam did justice to them. In the second chapter, it dealt with the status of women in the pre-Islamic era, their political status, and their social and military role. In the third chapter, we dealt with the status of women in the Prophet's era by shedding light on their social, political and military life. We tried to analyze the situation of women in the darkness of ignorance and compare them with the light of Islam, which honored her and raised her status and equality with men in all matters. As for the fourth chapter, the results of the comparison I made between the condition of the woman in the pre-Islamic era and the condition of the woman in the Prophet's era were analyzed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History