Orta Çağ devlet diplomasisinde rehine uygulaması ve yansımaları
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Orta Çağ devletlerarası hukukunda birçok diplomatik uygulama var olmuştur. Bu uygulamaların gerisinde devletlerin siyasi, hukuki ve ticari alanlarda kendilerini garanti altına alma çabaları yatmaktadır. Bu bağlamda devletler politik avantaj kazanmak ve uygun politik hamleler gerçekleştirebilmek için rehin alma metodunu tatbik etmişlerdir. Orta Çağ devletler bu bağlamda çeşitli uygulamaları hayata geçirmişler, egemen oldukları sahanın hâkimiyetini pekiştirmek ve sürekliliğini kazandırmak için uygun politikalar üretmişlerdir. Bu uygulamalardan biri de devletlerin politik bir hamle olarak gördükleri ve yaygın olarak başvurdukları rehine alma/alıkoymadır. Devletlerin diğer devletlerle olan ilişkileri bağlamında sigorta hükmünde olan bu politika yaygın olarak uygulanmış birçok devlet tarafından geliştirilerek sürdürülmüştür. Bu çalışmada Orta Çağ'da uygulanan rehin alma politikasının detayları, usul ve esasları aktarılmaya çalışılacaktır. Bu konuya girmeden evvel rehin/rehine kavramının kökeni, anlamı, hakkında bilgi verilecektir. Bunun yanı sıra rehine politikasının gerek psikolojik/duygusal gerek siyasi/diplomatik etkisi örnekler üzerinden aktarılmaya çalışılacaktır.
There have been many diplomatic practices in politics in the medieval interstate law. The efforts of states to guarantee themselvesin political, legal and commercial areas lie behind these practices. The states have used the hostage method to guarantee themselves and to make appropriate political movesin this context. Seljuks also applied many practices in the eleventh and fourteenth centuries when they ruled. In this context, the medieval states implemented various practices and produced appropriate policies to consolidate their dominance in the area they possessed and to ensure its continuity. One of these practices is hostage-taking and detention, which states see as a political move and widely resort to. This policy, which is in the form of insurance in the context of the relations of states with other states, has been widely implemented and continued by many states. The details, procedures and principles of the hostage-taking policy applied in the Middle Ages will be tried to be conveyed in this study. Before going into this subject, information will be given about the origin and meaning of the concept of pledge/hostage. In addition, both the psychological/emotional and political/diplomatic effects of the hostage policy will be tried to be conveyed through examples.
There have been many diplomatic practices in politics in the medieval interstate law. The efforts of states to guarantee themselvesin political, legal and commercial areas lie behind these practices. The states have used the hostage method to guarantee themselves and to make appropriate political movesin this context. Seljuks also applied many practices in the eleventh and fourteenth centuries when they ruled. In this context, the medieval states implemented various practices and produced appropriate policies to consolidate their dominance in the area they possessed and to ensure its continuity. One of these practices is hostage-taking and detention, which states see as a political move and widely resort to. This policy, which is in the form of insurance in the context of the relations of states with other states, has been widely implemented and continued by many states. The details, procedures and principles of the hostage-taking policy applied in the Middle Ages will be tried to be conveyed in this study. Before going into this subject, information will be given about the origin and meaning of the concept of pledge/hostage. In addition, both the psychological/emotional and political/diplomatic effects of the hostage policy will be tried to be conveyed through examples.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Selçuklular, Rehin Alma Uygulaması, Diplomatik İlişkiler, Uluslararası Hukuk, Seljuks, Hostage Policy, Diplomatic Relations, International Law, Tarih, History