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Erişim Hakkı
19.yy’a değin Türkçe, Arapça ve Farsça
olarak bir kadın tarafından yazılan tek hac
seyahatnâmesinin 1120-1130/1702-1712’li
yıllar arasında Ordubad’lı Safevî bir Türk
şâiresine ait Farsça bir eser olduğu bilinmekteyken, 16. yy’da Servet mahlaslı şâire
tarafından Türkçe olarak yazılan ve yeni
neşr edilen kısa hac hatıratı bu durumu
değiştirmiştir. Her ikisi de Türk olan, biri
Farsça diğeri ise Türkçe olarak yazılan bu
eserlerin müelliflerleri benzer nedenlerle
yolculuğa karar vermiştir. Bu eserler kendi
coğrafyalarında bir kadın tarafından yazılan en eski manzum hac hatıratı olma özelliği gösterir. Türlerinin tipik birer örneği
olan bu mesnevilerden Türkçe yazılanı 135
beyit olup kısa ve öz bir menâzilnâmedirFarsça olarak yazılan mesnevi ise 1200 beyitlik bir sefernâmedir. Her iki şâirenin de
adlarının eserlerde zikredilmediği görülmüş, aralarında 200 yıl bulunan müelliflerin ülkelerinin başkentinden başlayan
güzergâhları Halep’te birleşmiştir. Safevî
şâiresi İsfahan’dan yola çıkarak Anadolu içlerinden kutsal topraklara varmış, Osmanlı şâiresi ise İstanbul’dan başlayarak resmi hac güzergâhıyla Mekke ve Medine’ye
ulaşmıştır. Biri Sünni diğeri Şiî olan Ehli
Beyt muhibbi iki şâireyi, eserlerini ve yolculuklarını tanıtan ve değerlendiren bu çalışma, özde bu iki hac yolculuğunun tarihi
ve coğrafi yönüyle aynılık ve ayrılıklarını
belirleme hedefine yöneliktir.
Until 19th century, it had been known that the only hajj travel book written in Turkish, Arabic and Persian was the work of a Safavid Turkish woman from Ordubad between 1120-1130/1702-1712. This situ-ation changed with the newly published short hajj memory written in Turkish by a poetess of which pseudonym name is Servet and lived in 16th century. Both of the poetesses are Turkish but one wrote in Persian and the other one wrote in Turkish and they decided to the travel with similar reasons. These works are the oldest poetries of hajj memories written by a woman in their geographies. The Turkish one of these masnavis, which are the typical examples of their genres, is a short and specific “menâzilnâme” with 135 couplets. The Persian masnavi is a “safarnâme” with 1200 couplets. Names of both poetesses weren’t mentioned in the works and their roads which had been started in their own capitals crossed in Aleppo. There are 200 years between these poetesses. Safavid poetess started to her journey in Isfahan and reached to holy lands passing through Anatolia. Ottoman poetess started in Istanbul and reached to Makka and Madina by using the official hajj road. The aim of this article is to introduce those two poetesses one of whom is Shia and the other one is Sunni and both of them is lover of “Ahl al-Bayt” and interpret their works and their journeys.
Until 19th century, it had been known that the only hajj travel book written in Turkish, Arabic and Persian was the work of a Safavid Turkish woman from Ordubad between 1120-1130/1702-1712. This situ-ation changed with the newly published short hajj memory written in Turkish by a poetess of which pseudonym name is Servet and lived in 16th century. Both of the poetesses are Turkish but one wrote in Persian and the other one wrote in Turkish and they decided to the travel with similar reasons. These works are the oldest poetries of hajj memories written by a woman in their geographies. The Turkish one of these masnavis, which are the typical examples of their genres, is a short and specific “menâzilnâme” with 135 couplets. The Persian masnavi is a “safarnâme” with 1200 couplets. Names of both poetesses weren’t mentioned in the works and their roads which had been started in their own capitals crossed in Aleppo. There are 200 years between these poetesses. Safavid poetess started to her journey in Isfahan and reached to holy lands passing through Anatolia. Ottoman poetess started in Istanbul and reached to Makka and Madina by using the official hajj road. The aim of this article is to introduce those two poetesses one of whom is Shia and the other one is Sunni and both of them is lover of “Ahl al-Bayt” and interpret their works and their journeys.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hac Hatıraları, Mesnevi, Hac Yolları, Safevî, Osmanlı, Kadın Şâireler, Hajj Memories, Masnavi, Hajj Routes, Safavid, Ottoman, Women Poets.
Alevilik Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
TURAY E. D (2019). OSMANLI- SAFEVİ TÜRK ŞÂİRELERİ VE MESNEVİ HAC HATIRALARI. Alevilik Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(17), 155 - 182.