Bilge Karasu'nun "Gece" Adlı Romanının söz dizimi yönünden incelenmesi
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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Bilge Karasu' nun "Gece" adlı romanının söz dizimsel yönden incelendiği çalışmada, çıkış noktasını yapısalcılık temelinden alan, "üretici-dönüşümsel dilbilgisi" nin de şekillendirdiği bir söz dizimi anlayışı oluşturmuştur. Yargılı ve yargısız anlatımlar olarak bilinen cümle, cümle türleri, ögeleri ve kelime grupları çalışmaya ilişkin ana bölümleri oluşturmuştur. Bunun sonucunda ortaya çıkan cümle çeşitleri, cümle ögeleri ve kelime grupları yapı yönünden -metin odaklı- uygun ana ve alt başlıklara ayrılmış, inceleme metni üzerinden örneklendirilmiştir. Bilge Karasu' nun Türk Edebiyatındaki yerinin önemi, Türkçe üzerindeki hâkimiyeti, dili kullanma becerileri ve dil hassasiyetiyle de ilgilidir. Bu durum onun yapıtlarında önemli bir dilsel çalışma malzemesi yaratmaktadır. Dilsel çalışmaların en önemli malzemesinin yine dilin kendisi olduğunu düşündüğümüzde Bilge Karasu'nun Amerika'da "Pegasus" ödülünü alan "Gece" adlı romanı bu anlamda verimli bir inceleme ve çalışma metni sunmuştur.
In this study, in which we examined Bilge Karasu's novel Gece from a syntactic point of view, we have formed the starting point from a syntactic understanding based on structuralism, which is also shapedby "transformational-generative grammar".Sentence, sentence types, arguments and word groups, which are known as judged and non-judged expressions, formed the main sections of thestudy. As a result of this, we tried to split them appropriate main topic and subheadings these are exemplified through there view text of the sentences types, sentence arguments and word groups that emerged in terms of structure. Bilge Karasu, who has an important role in Turkish literature, has an important language content with his mastery on the Turkish language and his ability touse the language, in his works. This creates an important linguistic material in her works. When we think that language is the most important content of linguistic studies, Bilge Karasu'snovel Gece, which won the Pegasus Prize in America, provides with an efficient researching and working text.
In this study, in which we examined Bilge Karasu's novel Gece from a syntactic point of view, we have formed the starting point from a syntactic understanding based on structuralism, which is also shapedby "transformational-generative grammar".Sentence, sentence types, arguments and word groups, which are known as judged and non-judged expressions, formed the main sections of thestudy. As a result of this, we tried to split them appropriate main topic and subheadings these are exemplified through there view text of the sentences types, sentence arguments and word groups that emerged in terms of structure. Bilge Karasu, who has an important role in Turkish literature, has an important language content with his mastery on the Turkish language and his ability touse the language, in his works. This creates an important linguistic material in her works. When we think that language is the most important content of linguistic studies, Bilge Karasu'snovel Gece, which won the Pegasus Prize in America, provides with an efficient researching and working text.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Karasu, Bilge, Karasu, Bilge, Roman, Novel, Türk edebiyatı, Turkish literature, Yeni Türk edebiyatı, New Turkish literature