Belgesel sinemada ekolojik yasın temsili: Hasankeyf örneği üzerinden bir inceleme
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İnsanın doğa ile kurduğu ilişkinin sonucu olarak bir takım ekolojik kayıplar, iklim krizleri ve canlı yaşam alanların tahrip edilmesi insana duygusal anlamda yük yüklemiştir. Yaşadığı bütün bu ekolojik kayıplar için kederlenen kişi bilerek ya da bilmeyerek yas evresine geçer. Ekolojik tahribatlara sebep olan nedenlerin başında gelen barajlar, çevresindeki bütün yaşam alanlarına ve canlı yaşamlara geri dönüşü olmayan zararlar vermektedir. Canlıların zorunlu göçe maruz bırakılması, birçok türün yok olma ile karşı karşıya kalması bunun yanında tarih ve kültürün yok edilmesi bir bütün olarak önemli problemlerdir. Bununla yüzleşen insanda bu kayıplar karşısında duygu durumu üzerinde stres, travma, umutsuzluk, öfke gibi bir dizi olumsuz duygular oluşmaktadır. Bu durum ekolojik yas kavramı ile ifade edilmektedir. Çalışmamız, Ilısu barajının yarattığı tahribatı Hasankeyf özelinde ele almaktadır. Bu çerçevede belgesel sinemada ekolojik yas temsili nitel araştırma yöntemleri ile içerik analizi yapılarak eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla Hasankeyf'i konu alan beş belgeselden yararlanılmıştır.
As a result of man's relationship with nature, some ecological losses, climate crises and destruction of living habitats have burdened people emotionally. The person who grieves for all these ecological losses he has experienced passes into the mourning phase knowingly or unknowingly.Dams, one of the leading causes of ecological destruction, cause irreversible damage to all living spaces and living beings around them. Exposing living things to forced migration, the extinction of many species, as well as the destruction of history and culture are important problems as a whole.In the face of these losses, a series of negative emotions such as stress, trauma, hopelessness and anger occur on the emotional state of the person who is faced with this. This situation is expressed with the concept of ecological mourning. Our study deals with the damage caused by the Ilısu dam in the specific case of Hasankeyf. In this context, the representation of ecological mourning in documentary cinema has been analyzed from a critical point of view by making content analysis with qualitative research methods. For this purpose, five documentaries about Hasankeyf were used.
As a result of man's relationship with nature, some ecological losses, climate crises and destruction of living habitats have burdened people emotionally. The person who grieves for all these ecological losses he has experienced passes into the mourning phase knowingly or unknowingly.Dams, one of the leading causes of ecological destruction, cause irreversible damage to all living spaces and living beings around them. Exposing living things to forced migration, the extinction of many species, as well as the destruction of history and culture are important problems as a whole.In the face of these losses, a series of negative emotions such as stress, trauma, hopelessness and anger occur on the emotional state of the person who is faced with this. This situation is expressed with the concept of ecological mourning. Our study deals with the damage caused by the Ilısu dam in the specific case of Hasankeyf. In this context, the representation of ecological mourning in documentary cinema has been analyzed from a critical point of view by making content analysis with qualitative research methods. For this purpose, five documentaries about Hasankeyf were used.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ekolojik Yas, Belgesel Film, Temsil, Ilısu Barajı, Hasankeyf, Ecological Mourning, Documentary Movie, Representation, Ilısu Dam, Hasankeyf, Güzel Sanatlar, Fine Arts