Sosyolojik ötekiden öteki oluşa: Deleuzeyen felsefenin imkânlarına dair
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada özellikle modern döneme ait öteki meselesine dair tartışmaları ele almaya çalıştık. Bauman ile toplumsal ötekiyi, Zizek ile de düşünsel ötekiyi tanıma yolundaydık. Deleuze düşüncesinden hareketle de arzu, oluş ve organsız beden kavramları ile bedensel ötekiye olan bakış açısını sosyolojik perspektifle ilişkisini irdelemeye çalıştık. Majör düşünce tarzı Ben-öteki, kadın-erkek, insan-hayvan, siyahibeyaz gibi karşıtlıklar doğurmuş ve ayrıca arzuyu toplumsal düzlemde yaşamın aktif gücü olmaktan da çıkarmıştır. Kapitalizm ile birlikte sanallıklar ve imajlar günümüzde hakikatin yerine geçerek onu metalaştırmakta ve arzuyu da baskılamaktadır. Gerçekliğini yitiren sosyolojik özne ancak arzu akışlarını serbest bırakarak, yersiz yurtsuzlaşarak, organsız bedene dönüşerek, yeniden oluşa geçerek ve simgesel düzlemden çıkarak bedeni etkin hale getirebilir. Etkin hale gelen bedenlerin rizomatik karşılaşmaları ile yeni duygulanımlar ve etkilenişler oluşacak ve bu durum da sociusu dolayısıyla da toplumsal gerçekliği inşa edecektir. Bu çalışma beden sosyolojisinde organsız beden ve bir felsefe yapma tarzı olarak farkedilmez oluşu farklı bir okumaya tabi tutarak yeni bir tartışmaya kapı aralamaktadır. Farkedilmez oluş düşünce tarzı yeni yaşam olanaklarını yeniden düşünmeye ve sociusu tekrar üretebilen Ben'in ötesinde yeni bir etik düşünce sunabilir.
In this study, we tried to tackle discussions about the other issue of the modern period. We were on the way to get to know the social other with Bauman and the ideational other with Zizek. Based on the idea of Deleuze, we tried to examine the concepts of desire, being, and the body without organs, and the point of view towards the bodily other, in relation to the sociological perspective. The major thinking style caused contradictions such as I-other, woman-man, human-animal, black-white, and also removed desire from becoming an active force of life on the social plane. With capitalism, virtualities and images today replace the truth, commodify it, and suppress the desire. The sociological subject, which has lost its reality, can only activate the body by releasing the flows of desire, becoming deterritorialization, transforming into a body without organs, rebuilding becoming and leaving the symbolic plane. With the rhizomatic encounters of the bodies that become active, new affections and influences will occur, and this will build socius thus social reality. This study opens a new discussion by subjecting a different reading in the body sociology of the body without organs and becoming imperceptible as a way of making philosophy. Becoming imperceptible mentality can offer a new ethical thought beyond I, who can rethink new life possibilities and reproduce society.
In this study, we tried to tackle discussions about the other issue of the modern period. We were on the way to get to know the social other with Bauman and the ideational other with Zizek. Based on the idea of Deleuze, we tried to examine the concepts of desire, being, and the body without organs, and the point of view towards the bodily other, in relation to the sociological perspective. The major thinking style caused contradictions such as I-other, woman-man, human-animal, black-white, and also removed desire from becoming an active force of life on the social plane. With capitalism, virtualities and images today replace the truth, commodify it, and suppress the desire. The sociological subject, which has lost its reality, can only activate the body by releasing the flows of desire, becoming deterritorialization, transforming into a body without organs, rebuilding becoming and leaving the symbolic plane. With the rhizomatic encounters of the bodies that become active, new affections and influences will occur, and this will build socius thus social reality. This study opens a new discussion by subjecting a different reading in the body sociology of the body without organs and becoming imperceptible as a way of making philosophy. Becoming imperceptible mentality can offer a new ethical thought beyond I, who can rethink new life possibilities and reproduce society.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Organsız Beden, Farkedilmez Oluş, Arzu, Öteki, Deleuze, The Body without Organs, Becoming Imperceptible, Desire, the Other, Deleuze, Sosyoloji, Sociology, Arzu, Desire, Beden sosyolojisi, Body sociology, Deleuze, Gilles, Deleuze, Gilles, Farkedilmez oluş, Becoming imperceptible, Organsız beden, Body without organs, Ötekileşme, Otherisation, Ötekilik, Otherness