Ali Şeriati'de varoluşçuluk düşüncesi
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Şeriati eserlerinde, varoluş ve öz, kendilik bilinci, yaratma, yalnızlık, kendine bırakılmışlık, özgürlük, isyan, insanı tutsak hale getiren unsurular gibi varoluşçu literatürde yaygın olarak karşımıza çıkan kavramları ele almakta ve bu konulardaki görüşlerini açıkça dile getirmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Ali Şeriati'nin varoluşçu literatürle ilişkisini ortaya koymaktır. Giriş ve iki bölümden oluşan bu çalışmanın birinci bölümünde Şeriati'nin ele aldığı varoluşçu temalar ele alındı. Şeriati varoluşçulara karşı eleştirel davranmaktadır. Ancak bu tavrı onun varoluşçu olmadığı anlamına gelmez. Nitekim Şeriati de insanın bir "beşer" bir de "insan" tarafının olduğunu söylemektedir. Buna göre. "Beşer" insanın fizyolojik tarafını ederken "insan" ise sınırlı olmayan tarafını ifade etmektedir. Beşerin öncesinde bir özü vardır. Ancak insanın özü ise sadece insanın seçimleri tarafından belirlenmektedir. İnsan; kendilik bilinci, özgürlük, yaratma ve yalnızlık sayesinden özünü yaratabilir. Çalışmamızın ikinci bölümünde ise insanı tutsak hale getiren unsurlar ve onlardan kurtulabilme yolları üzerinde duruldu. Şeriati'ye göre doğa, toplum ve tarihi determinist bir şekilde yorumlamak onları birer zindan hale getirir. Kaldı ki bilim yoluyla onların belirleyiciliği en aza indirilebilir. Ancak diğer bir tutsak hali olan kendiliği ise bilimle aşmak mümkün değildir. Kendilik zindanı ancak din, aşk, irfan ve sanatla aşılabilir. Bu şekilde insan özgürlüğüne kavuşabilir.
Shariati,in his works, discusses the concepts that are common in existential literature such as existence and essence, self-consciousness, creation, loneliness, freedom, rebellion, and elements that make human beings captive and expresses their views on these issues. The aim of this study is to reveal the relationship of Ali Shariati with existential literature. This study consists of an introduction and two parts. In the first part of this study, existential themes discussed by Shariati were discussed. Shariati criticizes existentialists. But his attitude does not mean that he is not existentialist. As a matter of fact, Shariati says that "besher" and "human" are not the same. Accordingly, "besher" is limited and physiological. "human" is not limited. "besher" have an essence before. However, the essence of human is determined only by the choices of self. Human can create the essence by self-consciousness, freedom, creation and loneliness. In the second part of our study, the elements that make people captive and the ways of getting rid of them were emphasized. According to Shariati, interpreting nature, society and history in a determinist way makes them a dungeon. Moreover, their influence can be minimized through science. However, it is not possible to overcome the self, which is another prisoner, with science. The dungeon can only be overcome by religion, love, wisdom and art. In this way, people can have freedom.
Shariati,in his works, discusses the concepts that are common in existential literature such as existence and essence, self-consciousness, creation, loneliness, freedom, rebellion, and elements that make human beings captive and expresses their views on these issues. The aim of this study is to reveal the relationship of Ali Shariati with existential literature. This study consists of an introduction and two parts. In the first part of this study, existential themes discussed by Shariati were discussed. Shariati criticizes existentialists. But his attitude does not mean that he is not existentialist. As a matter of fact, Shariati says that "besher" and "human" are not the same. Accordingly, "besher" is limited and physiological. "human" is not limited. "besher" have an essence before. However, the essence of human is determined only by the choices of self. Human can create the essence by self-consciousness, freedom, creation and loneliness. In the second part of our study, the elements that make people captive and the ways of getting rid of them were emphasized. According to Shariati, interpreting nature, society and history in a determinist way makes them a dungeon. Moreover, their influence can be minimized through science. However, it is not possible to overcome the self, which is another prisoner, with science. The dungeon can only be overcome by religion, love, wisdom and art. In this way, people can have freedom.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Varoluşçuluk, beşer, insan, özgürlük, aşk, sanat, Existentialism, besher, human, freedom, love, art, Felsefe, Philosophy, Felsefe, Philosophy, Varoluşçuluk, Existentialism, Şeriati, Ali, Şeriati, Ali