İbn Hazm'ın "el-Muhallâ" adlı eserinde İmâm Şâfiî'ye nispet ettiği görüşlerin tahkiki (Nikâh, talak ve muhâlea örneği)
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Hicri 456 yılında vefat eden İbn Hazm, Zâhirî mezhebinin günümüze ulaşmasını sağlayan âlimdir. Bu âlimin fıkıhta en önemli eseri, el-Muhallâ bi'l-Âsâr' adlı eseridir. İbn Hazm söz konusu eserde, Zâhirî mezhebinin görüşlerinin yanı sıra diğer dört mezhebin ve günümüze ulaşmayan birçok mezhep imâmının görüşlerine de yer vermiştir. Bu çalışmada İbn Hazm'ın el-Muhallâ adlı eserinde nikâh, Talâk ve muhâlea ile ilgili konularda İmâm Şâfiî'ye nispet ettiği görüşlerini Şâfiî fıkıh kaynaklardan tespit ve tahkik edilmiştir. Çalışmamız iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde İbn Hazm'ın hayatı, hocaları, talebeleri, eserleri ele alınarak daha sonra el-Muhallâ ile ilgili malumatlar verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise İbn Hazm'ın el-Muhallâ isimli eserinde nikâh, talâk ve muhâlea konularında İmâm Şâfiî'ye nispet ettiği yetmiş yedi görüş tespit edilmiştir. Bu görüşlerin tahkiki yapılmıştır. Bunlardan altmış yedi tanesi isabetli, on tanesi ise hatalı olarak nakledildiği tarafımızdan tespit edilmiştir.
Ibn Hazm who died in 456 year of Hegira is the scholar enabling the Zahiri madhhab live on until the modern days. The most important work of the scholar in islamic jurisprudence is Al Muhalla bil Asar. Ibn Hazm touched upon the opinions of other four madhhabs and İmâms of madhhabs whose opinions did not live on in addition to Zahiri Madhhab's opinions in his work. In this work Ibn Hazm's opinions regarding marriage, talaq and khul in the book titled Al Muhalla, attributed to Imam Shafi are confirmed and investigated from the resources of Shafi school of thought. Our work encompasses two parts. In the first part the life, teachers, students and books of Ibn Hazm were reviewed and information about Al Muhalla, was included. In the second part we identified seventy-seven opinions attributed to Imam Shafi in the subjects of marriage, talaq, khul in the book Ibn Hazm's Al Muhalla. Those opinions were investigated. We concluded that sixty-seven of those opinions were correctly, on the other hand ten of them were wrongly conveyed.
Ibn Hazm who died in 456 year of Hegira is the scholar enabling the Zahiri madhhab live on until the modern days. The most important work of the scholar in islamic jurisprudence is Al Muhalla bil Asar. Ibn Hazm touched upon the opinions of other four madhhabs and İmâms of madhhabs whose opinions did not live on in addition to Zahiri Madhhab's opinions in his work. In this work Ibn Hazm's opinions regarding marriage, talaq and khul in the book titled Al Muhalla, attributed to Imam Shafi are confirmed and investigated from the resources of Shafi school of thought. Our work encompasses two parts. In the first part the life, teachers, students and books of Ibn Hazm were reviewed and information about Al Muhalla, was included. In the second part we identified seventy-seven opinions attributed to Imam Shafi in the subjects of marriage, talaq, khul in the book Ibn Hazm's Al Muhalla. Those opinions were investigated. We concluded that sixty-seven of those opinions were correctly, on the other hand ten of them were wrongly conveyed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion, El-Muhalla, El-Muhalla, Muhalea, Muhalaa, Nikah, Marriage, Talak, Talak, Zahiri, Zahiri, Zahirilik, Zahirism, İbn Hazm, İbn Hazm, İmam Şafii, İmam Şafii, İslam hukuku, Islamic law