Çelikel Güngör, AslıGürbüz, Semra2019-05-162019-05-162018-09-13978-605-7510-60-0https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12514/460Water sanitation is important for the protection of health due to the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms which cause disease with water used in our daily life.. For this reason, it is important to make microbiological controls in water and to determine the sources of contamination of water. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the presence of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria contamination in the wells and network waters used in Mardin. total of 238 water samples consisting of 188 network water and 50 well water were collected in two different periods from nine different districs of Mardinwere used as research material and the samples were tested using membrane filtration method. Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria contamination were detected in 2% (1) of The well water samples and in 26.6% (50) of the network water samples. One well water sample contaminated with Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria were found in the samples taken from Artuklu districs in the period of November-December, while the contamination was not detected in the remaining samples.. It was determined that 21.43% (51) of the samples examined in this study were not in compliance with the limits specified in the Turkish Standard Institute TS 266 standard and the Regulation on the Water for Human Consumption. As a result, it is thought that water samples, especially network water samples, are exposed to microbial contamination and may pose a potential risk for public health.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMardin, water, Escherichia coli, coliform bacteria, contamination.MARDİN’DE KULLANILAN ŞEBEKE VE KUYU SULARININ MİKROBİYOLOJİK KALİTESİMICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF NETWORK AND WELL WATER USED IN MARDINPresentation