Çelikel, AslıAkın, Mutlu BuketGürbüz, SemraToprak, Lokman2019-05-162019-05-162018-05-06978-605-67955-2-7https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12514/458Gastronomic tourism can be described as the trips made by tourists to experience local food and beverages. Because as it is thought that approximately one in four of the tourism expenses devote to food and beverage spending, gastronomic tourism is an important source of income for the people of the region. At this point, gastronomic tourism plays an important role in increasing the demand for some tourism attraction centers and in creating new attraction centers. In recent years, geographical indications in our country for traditional food, which is the most important compound of gastronomic tourism, have increased. Geographical indications encourage traditional production and the preservation of the tastes of local food and beverage. Mardin, which is one of the important touristic places of our country with its rich cultural structure and historical places, is among the provinces that has the priority in terms of gastronomic tourism according to the 2014 TUSAD report. Although there are more than 40 regional dishes in Mardin, where many different religions and people live together, only 5 of them have geographical indications. These are Mardin rib fills, Mardin kibe, Mardin sembusek, Mardin ikbebet and Mardin imlebes (almond candy). At this point, the introduction of other regional tastes unique to Mardin will contribute to the expansion of traditional food production and the improvement of gastronomy tourism. In this study, traditional foods and beverages in Mardin province were investigated.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMardin, Gastronomy Tourism, Traditional Foods, Geographical IndicationsGASTRONOMIC TOURISM (CULINARY TOURISM) AND TRADITIONAL FOODS: MARDINPresentation