Sıddıq, Abu BakarOğuz, GülerGüldoğan, Emre2019-05-162019-05-162018Siddiq, A , Oğuz, G , Güldoğan, E . (2018). Supernatural or “social mind”? –Four case studies from Southeast Turkey. Artuklu İnsan ve Toplum Bilim Dergisi, 3 (2), 60-69. Retrieved from in early phase of Palaeolithic period, the structure of social mind marks the strongest effect on an individual from a distinct human group. The beliefs on supernatural beings, along with other norms, rites and rituals, are actually considered to be the products of the social mind that has been formed and reformed following environmental and socio-technological changes of humanity through time. Southeast Turkey is a region where all people groups have been believed on different types of supernatural forces and this is commonly found in archaeological remains since prehistoric period. Moreover, at present day, the beliefs on supernatural beings as well as their socio-psychological effects are more visible in the region comparing to other parts of Turkey. Therefore, out of 53 case studies obtained in ethnographic fieldworks, thorough examination of 4 individual case studies have been performed in this study to illustrate the power and functions of social mind in producing the beliefs on supernatural beings. Further, as the consequence of these beliefs, the generation sufferings in the region have also been examined in this study.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSupernatural beingsDoğaüstü varlıklarSupernatural or Social Mind? –Four Case Studies from Southeast TurkeyDoğaüstü mü Yoksa “Sosyal Zihin” mi? Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nden Elde Edilen 4 Vaka ÇalışmasıArticle