Kızılgeçi, FerhatAlbayrak, ÖnderYıldırım, MehmetAkıncı, CumaBiçer, Behiye Tuba2024-02-202024-02-202019 has comparatively high genetic diversity. Thus, we evaluated yield and yield traits on 92 maize landraces collected from Black Sea and Marmara Regions of Turkey and investigated three maize hybrids for yield and some morphological traits under Diyarbakir conditions in 2016 growing season. Mean value of plant height varied between 131-270 cm among maize landraces, 62.33-177cm for first ear height, 13.07- 24.70 mm for stalk thickness, 9.04-22 cm for ear length, 10.70-44.16 mm for ear diameter, 7.33-16.80 for row number of ear-1 , 10-44.60 for the number of kernels in row-1 , 16.43-27.46 mm for rachis diameter and 1387-18226.7 kg ha-1 for grain yield. According to our finding of the hybrid and the local maize genotypes, the grain yield, the number of grains in the cob and the weight of the cob, plant height, and number of rows were collected in the single group in the biplot chart. DZM-194-2 and DZM-11 local maize genotypes were found more stable for all investigated traits. DZM-7, DZM 194-2, DZM-11 and DZM-222-4 genotypes shown superiority to other genotypes in terms of grain yield.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBiplot, Yield components, Grain yield, Maize landraceEvaluation of yield and yield components of some Turkish maize landraces grown in south eastern Anatolia, Turkey by biplot analysisArticle74583592