Ayyıldız, Ahmet ŞahinEren, Abdullah2023-12-012023-12-012020Ayyıldız, A. Ş., & Eren, A. (2020). Evaluation of Productivity Status of Dry Farming Soils in Mardın Plain Using Geographical Information System Analyses. New Approaches and Applıcations in Agriculture, 252-264.https://iksadyayinevi.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/NEW-APPROACHES-AND-APPLICATIONS-IN-AGRICUL-TURE-1.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12514/4334Soil fertility is among the most basic criteria for obtaining quality and abundant products in agricultural production. The physical and chemical properties of soils, the scarcity or abundance of plant nutrients are important factors affecting the yield and quality of agricultural products, and the nutrient concentrations in soils can be determined by soil analysis. In addition, depending on the physical and chemical properties of the soil, knowing the relationships between these properties and the nutrients in the soil is important in terms of providing the highest benefit of fertilisation for the plants to be grown according to the land conditions (Taban et al., 2004; Başaran and Okant, 2005; Tümsavaş and Aksoy, 2008). The product yield and quality of the grown plants are closely related to the nutrient content of the soils to meet the needs of the plants (Zengin et al., 2003; Belliturk et al., 2019). The formation of agricultural lands is the only resource that takes thousands of years, and cannot be produced or renewed. The sustainability of soils, though, is possible by examining and monitoring soil resources as adequately as possible and defining the characteristics of agricultural areas better...eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSoilGISEVALUATION OF PRODUCTIVITY STATUS OF DRY FARMING SOILS IN MARDIN PLAIN USING GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM ANALYSESBook Chapter11252264