KANTER, Beyhan2019-05-172019-05-172011-06-2001300-9702https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12514/498Urban, village, nature, modernism, eternty, loneliness.Having reflected the effects of urbanization and modern life standards oppressed the individual in his poems, Turgut Uyar exalts rural life and nature while he trivializes urban life. Individual who becomes lonely and feels under pressure in the consumption values of modern life, also longs for eternity. This longing and dream takes the individual a bit to the thresold of clear conscience. In this study, we will analyze individual’s loneliness and his longing for eternity during his struggle with the urban life in Turgut Uyar’s poems.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKent, köy, tabiat, modernizm, sonsuzluk, yalnızlıkTURGUT UYAR’IN ŞİİRLERİNDE MODERN İNSANIN YALNIZLIĞI VE SONSUZLUK ÖZLEMİArticle