Oral E.Ülker M.14.07.20192019-07-1614.07.20192019-07-1620161308-7576https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12514/1167This study was conducted by randomized blocks divided by split-split plots trial design with three replications in Van city ecological condition 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 years. The research was planned and carried out with 4 nitrogen doses (2.7, 5.4, 8.1, 10.8 kg N/da) × 3 cultivars (Presto, Mikham-2002, Karma-2000) × 4 seed rate (350, 450, 550 ve 650 seed/m2) × 3 replication =144 parcel. According to the average of years, the plant height has been changed between (113.3-106.8) cm; the number of ears per square meter between (620-572) number; the number of grains per spike between (46.0-44.2); thousand grain weight between (40.4-38.7) g and grain yield between (3437-3270) kg ha-¹ respectively. Among the studied agricultural characters, plant height, the number of spike per square, the number of grains per spike and grain yield were increased depending on increasing nitrogen dose and sowing density in all varieties. In this study, according to the average years the high grain yield (5203 kg ha-1) was obtained from Karma-2000 variety, the third frequency (550 seed rate m-2) and the fourth dose of nitrogen (108 kg N da-1) application. Accordingly, Karma-2000 demonstrated superior performance in terms of plant height, spike number per square meter, number of grains per spike and grain efficiency. It was concluded that Karma-2000 varieties can be grown in the Van city ecological condition and winter with success. © 2016, Centenary University. All rights reserved.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessNitrogen dosesSowing densitiesTriticaleYieldYield componentsEffects of various plant densities and nitrogen doses in some triticale (x Triticosecale wittmack ex. A. Camus) cultivars in Van city ecological conditions [Van ili ekolojik koşullarinda farkli ekim sikliklari ve azot dozlarinin tritikale (x Triticosecale wittmack ex. A. Camus) çeşitlerinde verim ve bazi verim öğelerine etkisi]Article262223239