Bulmuş, Songül2019-05-082019-05-0820162146-2453https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12514/218Music as a cultural phenomenon has different meanings and values for every society. Accordingly, musical practices might vary in quantitative and qualitative characteristics. When music is examined in the context of cultural, social and politic constructions and identities, it seems that each society has a musical tradition formed by their own aesthetics and value judgments. As written culture has not improved in Kurdish society, music is of great importance as a language rather than means because it represents emotional world of people. In this respect, dengbej music, having a vital position in expressing oneself, has therapeutical effects on mental health of people. In this article, dengbej music is psychoanalytically reviewed within the scope of projective identification theory of Wilfred R. Bion. In so doing, it is hoped to evaluate traditional performance of dengbej music as functional aspect within the context of interrelation between performer and audience.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessmusic, dengbej, psychoanalytic, therapeutic effectGeleneksel Dengbej Müziğinin Terapötik Etkisinin Psikanalitik Açıdan DeğerlendirilmesiArticle