Yunus Cengiz2019-08-042019-08-042013 study documents an exploration of Qadi Abd al-Jabbar’s thoughts on mejaz (metaphor) and strives to find the answer of the question “Is it possible to use metaphoric words in talking about God and his attributes?” Qadi holds oneself a distance to metaphoric language in these subjects. He find fault with generating a statement depending on metaphors in actual language even in Qur’an. He makes same linguistic analyses to support this argument. He defends that it must be used real words about God and related topics except some circumstances. He comments metaphors in the Qur’an in keeping with principles of muvadaa (linguistic consensus) and qasd (intention).trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess“Teolojik Dilde Mecaza Yer Bulmanın İmkânı” İslami İlimler Dergisi, 8/1 (2013), s. 227-248.Possibility of Using Metaphor in Theological Language: An Analysis in the Case of Qadi Abd al-JabbarArticle