Kızılgeçi, FerhatAlbayrak, ÖnderYıldırım, Mehmet2024-02-202024-02-202019 present study was undertaken to identify the best durum wheat genotypes suitable for the South-Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey with desirable grain yield and quality. In the context, thirteen spring durum wheat genotypes were evalu ated in four environmental condition of the target region in consecutive two growing seasons in the year 2013-14 and 2014-15. The stability and supe riority of genotypes, and favorable testing environ ments were described by using ANOVA and GGE biplot analysis (genotype, genotype x environment). Genotype, environment and GEI (genotype x envi ronment interaction) was found to be highly signifi cant for multiple traits. The total variation of PCI (principles component) and PC2 was calculated 90% for ETI (environment trait interaction), 57.35 for GTI (genotype trait interaction), and 87.5% for GE interaction. The results of total variation of ETI was found higher than GTI and GEI. On the other hand, the biplot analysis showed that four mega environments occurred among ETI and three envi ronments (E1, E2 and E3) correlated with different traits, while environments E4 did not correlated with any traits. The environment E1 was found the best for Grain yield, test weight, thousand kernel weight and starch content, E2 for L*, b*, SPAD, and E3 for zeleny sedimentation, protein content and wet gluten content. In the biplot analysis, the environments divided three sector based on traits. Among the genotypes, the genotype G8 was per formed the best in all tested environments, while G9 was found the best based on all traits. The re sults of the study showed that GGE biplot analysis can be used as a good tool to identity of the most suitable environment in terms of all the characteris tics as well as to identify the best genotypes for future breeding program.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGGE biplot, protein, stability, interaction, semolina colourEVALUATION OF THIRTEEN DURUM WHEAT (TRITICUM DURUM DESF.) GENOTYPES SUITABLE FOR MULTIPLE ENVIRONMENTS USING GGE BIPLOT ANALYSISArticle28968736882Q4WOS:000485852800062