ALJARAH Amer2020-11-042020-11-042020978-625-7918-34-3 research is based on the idea of applying the theory of coexistence to criticism and literature, from an analytical point of view that notes the complex relationship between, on the first hand, critical bias and coexistence with the first literature which is called in linguistic and critical norms "excellent or nature literature" which is the literature of Arabs or the pure Arabs whose thought and language were not affected by mixing with foreigners; and between, on the second hand, bias and coexistence with the literature of the late, known as the literature of Badee, and represented by modern poets who were influenced by foreign cultures. Those poets went away from the traditions of their ancestors.arinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessintellectual coexistence, criticism, literature, receptivity, creativityIntellectual Coexistence Between Critical Reception and Literary Creativity in Arab Heritageالتعايش الفكريّ بين التلقّي النقديّ والإبداع الأدبيّ في التراث العربيّBook ChapterBaskı 1366119140