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  • Öğe
    Evaluation of patients diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism by newborn screening between 2011-2019 in Diyarbakir, Turkey
    (LWW, 2023) Toktaş, İzzettin; Erdem, Özgür; Sarıbaş, Seyfettin; Özbek, Mehmet Nuri
    This study aimed to determine the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism in Turkey’s Diyarbakir Province and assess the development and growth conditions of people with congenital hypothyroidism. Patients born between 2011-2019 and diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism within the scope of the newborn screening program were included. The medical records of these patients were retrospectively reviewed. The length and weight for age, weight for length, and body mass index standard deviation scores were calculated. We investigated the treatment status of the patients, whether their relatives had a similar disorder, and the presence of consanguinity between parents. Blood samples were collected from 380,592 newborns. As a result of further tests, 498 newborns were diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism (incidence: 1/764). Demographic and anthropometric data of 241 patients were analyzed. The patients comprised 46.9% (n = 113) females and 53.1% (n = 128) males. It was determined that 44.4% of the individuals had transient congenital hypothyroidism and 53.6% had permanent congenital hypothyroidism. The parents of 29.8% of the individuals diagnosed with transient congenital hypothyroidism and 44.2% of the individuals diagnosed with permanent congenital hypothyroidism were consanguineous (P = .02). According to the latest anthropometric assessment, 6.8% of individuals diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism had a weight z-score below −2 SD and 16.9% had a length z-score below −2 SD. The incidence of congenital hypothyroidism was higher in our region. The ratio of consanguinity between parents was higher in patients diagnosed with permanent congenital hypothyroidism than in those diagnosed with transient congenital hypothyroidism. According to the most recent follow-up, weight and age were found to be similar in patients with transient and permanent congenital hypothyroidism.
  • Öğe
    Examining the effect of COVID-19 vaccines on the menstrual cycle: A study from Turkey
    (LWW, 2023) Toktaş, İzzettin; Akelma, Hakan; Araç, Eşref
    Concerns about a possible relationship between vaccination against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and menstrual disorders have been raised in the media. In addition, different studies have shown that the COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with menstrual changes. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of COVID-19 vaccines on the menstrual cycle in women. This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted between August 16 and September 17, 2021. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire via an online form sent to the participants through social media. Data of 586 women were included in this study. A total of 82.4% (n = 483) of the participants were aged between 31 and 50 years. The BioNTech vaccine (2 doses) was administered to 75.8% (n = 444), Sinovac (3 doses) to 9.0% (n = 53) of the participants. 53.1% (n = 311) of the women experienced changes in their menstrual cycles. The most common menstrual changes after vaccination were delayed menstruation (n = 176; 30.0%) and prolonged menstrual duration (n = 132; 22.5%). Menstrual delay, prolonged menstrual duration, heavy bleeding, and early menstruation were more common in women than prior to receiving the vaccine (P < .05). More than half of the women experienced menstrual cycle changes after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Women experienced significantly higher rates of menstruation delay, prolonged menstrual duration, heavy bleeding, and early bleeding compared to before vaccination.
  • Öğe
    Mesane Tümörü Rezeksiyonunda Karl Storz ve Olympus Bipolar Rezeksiyon Sistemlerinin Karşılaştırılması
    (Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2023) Sağır, Süleyman; Toktaş, İzzettin
    Amaç: Kasa invaze olmayan mesane kanserli hastalarda mesane tümörlerinin tedavisinde Olimpus ve Karl Storz bipolar transüretral mesane rezeksiyonunun perioperatif sonuçlarını ve komplikasyonlarını karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Materyal ve metod: Etik Kurulu onayı (Karar No. 2023/5-17) takibinde, 01 Ocak 2019 ile 28 Şubat 2023 tarihleri arasında Olimpus ve Karl Storz bipolar sistemleri ile transüretral mesane tümörü rezeksiyonu yapılan tüm hastalar değerlendirilmeye alındı. Bulgular: Olimpus grubunda hemoglobin (hbg) değişimi 1,11±0,61 iken Karl Storz grubunda 1,35±0,82 olarak görüldü ve anlamlı istatistiksel fark görülmedi (p= 0,180). Tümör boyutu Olimpus grubunda 3,20±1,55 cm olup Karl Storz grubunda 4,20±2,79 cm olarak değerlendirildi. Benzer şekilde obturator reflex, mesane perforasyon varlığı, kan tranfuzyonu, postoperatif pıhtı retansiyonunda da istatistiksel olarak farklılıklar saptanmadı. Sonuç: Kasa invaze olmayan mesane kanserinin transüretral rezeksiyonunda bipolar teknolojinin kullanımı güvenli ve etkili bir yöntemdir. Her iki tekniktede mesane perforasyon oranı, postoperatif pıhtı retansiyonu, postoperatif hemoglobin düşüşü, obturator reflex oranı benzer bulunmuş olup, istatistiksel olarak fark görülmemiştir.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of Pediatric Patients Receiving Home Health Services
    (Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences, 2023) Toktaş, İzzettin; Balibey, Muzaffer
    Background: Home health service is the provision of health and care and follow-up services to patients in line with the recommendations of physicians, in the environment they live with their families, by the healthcare team in a way that meets their medical needs, including rehabilitation, physiotherapy and psychological treatment. This study was conducted to evaluate the medical conditions of pediatric patients receiving home health services. Methods: This descriptive study includes pediatric patients under the age of 18 who received home health services from Diyarbakır Pediatric Hospital in Turkey. The files of patients who applied to the home health unit between 2017 and 2020 and were actively followed up were reviewed retrospectively. The diagnoses, reasons for demand and medical needs of the patients were examined. Results: The mean age of 372 patients who received home health services was 10.9±4.3 years. 46.5% of the patients were diagnosed with epilepsy, 46.2% with mental retardation, 22.3% with cerebral palsy. Home health services are mostly requested for examination (49.2%), diaper (37.4%), medicine (14.8%) and formula (14.8%) reports. While 74.8% of girls are fully bedridden, 62.7% of boys are fully dependent (p<0.05). Most of the patients who are bedridden are provided with personal care by their families. 35.6% of bedridden patients and 29.6% of semi-dependent patients need medical care (p<0.05). While 63-67% of bedridden patients need rehabilitation, 38% of not bedridden patients need rehabilitation (p<0.05). Conclusions: Most of the patients receiving home health services are bedridden and have neurological diseases. As bed dependency increases, the need for medical care increases.
  • Öğe
    The Efficacy of Iron and Piracetam in Breath Holding Spells and Levetiracetam in Anoxic Epileptic Seizures
    (Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences, 2023) ÖZGÜN, Nezir; AKDENİZ, Osman; ÇELİK, Muhittin; SARBAY, Hakan; TOKTAŞ, İzzettin
    Introduction: In this study, the patients diagnosed with breath holding spell (BHS) or anoxic epileptic seizures and initiated at least one out of iron or piracetam or levetiracetam therapies were evaluated. Material and Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 194 BHS patients. Iron therapy was initiated in case of iron deficiency anemia or case of ferritin values under 12 ng/dl even if there was no anemia. The patients having no iron deficiency anemia, low ferritin and anoxic epileptic seizures were administered piracetam and the patients diagnosed with anoxic epileptic seizures were administered levetiracetam. Results: One hundred and eight patients (55.7%) were male. The mean age was 21.39±12.78 months. Iron therapy was initiated in 87 patients, piracetam to 96, and levetiracetam in 11 patients. Seizure numbers were manifestly decreased in all groups by the end of the first month after treatment concerning pretreatment levels (p<0.05). Conclusions: We determined that the spells were reduced or completely stopped in all groups. Levetiracetam seems to be considerably effective in patients developing anoxic epileptic seizures after BHS.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of patients diagnosed with phenylketonuria and biotinidase deficiency by the newborn screening program: a ten-year retrospective study
    (The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 2022) Toktaş, İzzettin; Sarıbaş, Seyfettin; Canpolat, Semih; Erdem, Özgür; Özbek, Mehmet Nuri
    Background. Phenylketonuria (PKU) and biotinidase deficiency (BD) are autosomal recessive diseases. If they are not identified and treated early, severe intellectual disability and developmental delay occur. This study was conducted to calculate the ten-year incidence of PKU and BD in the Diyarbakır province of Turkey. Methods. This cross-sectional study included patients born between 2011-2020 and diagnosed with PKU and BD. Patients with a clear diagnosis had their records evaluated retrospectively. Results. Between 2011 and 2020, blood was taken from 417,525 newborns’ heels in Diyarbakir province. As a result of further diagnostic testing, 53 PKU (Incidence: 1:7878) and 177 BD (Incidence: 1:2359) were detected. Of the patients with BD, 56% had profound BD and 44% had partial BD. The records of a total of 269 patients (PKU: 25; BD: 123; Hyperphenylalaninemia: 121) were examined. Parents of 65% (n=15) of the patients diagnosed with PKU and 46.6% (n=55) of the patients diagnosed with BD were consanguineous. Conclusions. The incidence of both PKU and BD was found to be high in our region. The high number of consanguineous marriages was regarded as the most important explanation for the high frequency of these illnesses.