The proportion of the poetics’ component and purposes in the poetry of Ahmed Matar; A stylistic approach
12. 2017
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مجلة المقّري
Erişim Hakkı
The analytical reading of poetry leads us to the intervention of certain elements in its composition, including linguistic and non-linguistic elements. In my opinion, these components are represented in intellect, imagination, passion, rhythm and language. In addition, we have noticed that each of these components suits a specific poetic purpose. The presence of the passion, for example, increases in the poetic texts which have purposes that complaint is frequent, such as flirt and elegizing. On the other hand, intellect is invested in poetic types which require reasoning and, as an example; we refer here to the purpose of irony which we will devote this research to talk about. In other words, we will discuss the proportion between intellect as a component and the Irony as a purpose. Since the poetry of Ahmed Matar has more Irony than other poets, we decided to study it.
Anahtar Kelimeler
proportionality, components, poetic purposes, stylistic, poetry, Ahmed Matar.
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Scopus Q Değeri
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