A heart-shaped bone artifact from Körtiktepe

Küçük Resim



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Erişim Hakkı



Along with the emergence of sedentary life, the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) settlements brought revolutionary changes in production of material cultures as well as cultic and ritual activities, which are often argued to be associated with new waves of interactions between humans and their natural world. Körtiktepe of southeastern Turkey yielded by far the richest PPN assemblage in the world, standing among the very few earliest cultural and production centers which acted to be the predecessors of the development and spread of the Neolithic in West Asia. In this paper, we report a heart-shaped bone artifact which is one of the rarest finds in the extremely large cultural assemblage of Körtiktepe. The manufacture features indicate that the “heart-like” shape of this unique artifact was the product of intentional human activity. Overall archaeological context indicates its probable use as a bone pendant or amulet for the dead; providing the fact of its association with three early PPNA burials, many other ritual objects, and a large number of grave goods. Although difficult to argue for its association with the sense for “emotion”, “affection” or “love” in the present world, it is still significant that the unique specimen traces the symbolic presence and ritual use of the shape of a “heart” in West Asian prehistoric context back to the Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic of around 10000 cal BC.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Archaeology, Anthropology, Körtiktepe, Neolithic, Neolitik Dönem, PPNA, Heart, Heart-shape, Southeast Anatolia



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Özkaya, V. and Siddiq, A. (2020). A heart-shaped bone artifact from Körtiktepe. Antropoloji, (40), 44-55 . DOI:10.33613/antropolojidergisi.731862