Müzelerin Kültürel Mirasın Korunmasına ve Turizme Etkileri: Mardin Müzesi Örneği

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Museums are regarded as areas where archeological findings, events are exhibited and past lives are transferred to the present day. With these characteristics, museums play a mediator role in preserving cultural heritage and transferring them to future generations. Because of these features, museums provide tourism resources and attract tourists. The increase in the number of visitors to museums can be considered as a result of this. When the activities of Mardin Museum are examined; it is seen that the museum can transcends the identity of “the place where historical monuments are preserved and exhibited” and could be transformed into an educational entity that don’t separate society from history. Museum trainings are provided within the scope of a project entitled “Museum Touching Life: Mardin Museum”. There is a project, entitled “Protecting the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Upper Tigris Valley and Raising Awareness”, carried out by Museum of Mardin that aims to aims to record, preserve and make visible the intangible cultural heritage of Mardin, Şırnak, Batman and Siirt provinces. In another project entitled “Restoration of Church of Saint Jacob and Preparation of Tourism Infrastructure with Zeynel Abidin Mosque”, it is aimed to provide the area to tourism as a concept of cultural and religious area and to make the area to be involved in the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. the inventory of cultural assets and protected areas in Mardin Province will be revealed with the “Cultural Inventory of Mardin Project”. In addition, activities are carried out to protect and preserve the intangible cultural heritage. With the “Mardin Fairy Tales Meeting”, “Mardin International Kite Festival”, “Mardin Karagöz Days”, “Mardin Bilali Festival” and “Mardin Traditional Rahvan Horse Races” the intangible cultural heritage of Mardin is tried to be kept alive and passed on to future generations. Other museums, like Mardin Museum, need to ensure the preservation and evaluation of cultural heritage through tourism projects that take social values into account.


Anahtar Kelimeler


CUDES 2019: 10. International Congress on Current Debates in Social Science

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