Social media networks as an effective way to promote events

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IGI Global

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Today, we have witnessed many events and festivals organized by different countries throughout the years. Some of these are organized locally, while the others are international. Social media networks are one of the essential marketing strategies which included advertising and promotion for event organizers. In this chapter, social media platforms, which can be used in promoting events and festivals, will be discussed conceptually by making a comprehensive literature review based on relevant literature. After reviewing the literature, this chapter will report how social media networks can be used as a promotional strategy for the event industry. So, this chapter aims to analyze in depth the relationship between social media platforms and promotions of events, and assessed how social media applications can be used to promote tourism events and festivals. At the end of the chapter, some practical implications will be presented to events marketers about social media tools used effectively to build effective promotional strategies for events and festivals.


Anahtar Kelimeler


Managing Festivals for Destination Marketing and Branding

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri





Kodaş, B., & Köz, E. N. (2023). Social Media Networks as an Effective Way to Promote Events. Managing Festivals for Destination Marketing and Branding, 172-185.