Süryani kroniklerine göre Bizans-Sasani savaşlarının Mezopotamya şehirlerine etkisi: Nusaybin örneği (IV-VII. Yüzyıllar)
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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Söz konusu bu araGtırmada Bizans-Sasani savaGlarının IV-VII. yüzyıllar arasındaki süreçte Mezopotamya Gehirlerine olan etkisi Nusaybin bağlamında ele alınmıGtır. GiriG bölümünde araGtırmanın sınırları belirlenmiG, bunun ardından Roma/Bizans ve Part/Sasani devletlerinin birbiriyle yaptıkları savaGlardan bahseden Süryani kronikleri kısaca tanıtılmıGtır. Birinci bölümde, Bizans-Sasani savaGlarının tarihsel arka planı irdelenmeye çalıGılmıG ve bu savaGların temelinde yatan stratejik nedenlerden bahsedilmiGtir. Bunun akabinde savaGların kronolojisi verilmiGtir. Aynı bağlamda savaGların hangi imparatorlar arasında yapıldığı ve sonuçları tespit edilmeye çalıGılmıGtır. Gkinci baGlık altında, tezimizin temel konusunu oluGturan ve Geç Antikçağ"da Mezopotamya"nın önemli Gehirlerinden birisi olan Nusaybin"in tarihteki yeri incelenmiGtir. Gkinci bölümde ise Süryani kaynaklarında Bizans-Sasani savaGları bağlamında Nusaybin Gehri ele alınmıG ve IV-VII. yüzyıllar aralığında bu iki devlet arasında süregiden savaGların siyasî, sosyal ve iktisadî yönlerden Nusaybin"i nasıl etkilediği sorusu cevaplanmaya çalıGılmıGtır. Tezimiz sonuç bölümüyle bitmektedir.
In this research, the effect of the Byzantine-Sassanian battles on Mesopotamian cities during the 4th and 7th centuries is studied in the context of Nusaybin. The boundaries of the research have been drawn in introduction part and then the Syriac Chronicles, which tell of the wars between the Roman/Byzantine-Part/Sassanid states, have been introduced briefly. The historical background of the Byzantine-Sasani battles is tried to be examined and the strategic reasons underlying the rise of these wars have been referred. After then the chronology of the wars has been given. In the same context, it has been tried to determine between which emperors these battles were held and to determine their consequences. Under the second title, the Historical importance of Nusaybin, which is one of the important cities of Mesopotamia in the late Antiquity and constitutes the main theme of my thesis, has been reviewed. In the second part, Nusaybin city has been discussed in the context of the Byzantine-Sassanid wars and the question how the battles between these two states affected Nusaybin in political, social and economic aspects During the 4th and 7th Centuries, has been tried to be answered. My thesis ends with the conclusion part.
In this research, the effect of the Byzantine-Sassanian battles on Mesopotamian cities during the 4th and 7th centuries is studied in the context of Nusaybin. The boundaries of the research have been drawn in introduction part and then the Syriac Chronicles, which tell of the wars between the Roman/Byzantine-Part/Sassanid states, have been introduced briefly. The historical background of the Byzantine-Sasani battles is tried to be examined and the strategic reasons underlying the rise of these wars have been referred. After then the chronology of the wars has been given. In the same context, it has been tried to determine between which emperors these battles were held and to determine their consequences. Under the second title, the Historical importance of Nusaybin, which is one of the important cities of Mesopotamia in the late Antiquity and constitutes the main theme of my thesis, has been reviewed. In the second part, Nusaybin city has been discussed in the context of the Byzantine-Sassanid wars and the question how the battles between these two states affected Nusaybin in political, social and economic aspects During the 4th and 7th Centuries, has been tried to be answered. My thesis ends with the conclusion part.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bizans Gmparatorluğu, Sasani Devleti, Mezopotamya, Nusaybin, Süryani Kronikleri, Süryaniler, Byzantine Empire, Sassanid State, Mesopotamia, Nusaybin, Syriac Chronicles, Syriac Christians, Eski Çağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri, Ancient Linguistics and Cultures, Tarih, History, Bizanslılar, Byzantines, Eski Çağ, Old Age, Eski Çağ tarihi, Old Age history, Mardin-Nusaybin, Mardin-Nusaybin, Mezopotamya, Mesopotamia, Sasaniler, Sasaniler, Savaş, War, Süryaniler, Syrians