Edebîyatê fekkî yê Kirmanckî (Zazakî)yê mintiqaya sêwregi
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Siverek bugün idari bakımdan Urfa iline bağlı bir ilçedir. Coğrafik ve sosyal özellikleri bakımından tarihte önemli bir şehir olagelmiştir. Tarih boyunca farklı devletler şehre hakim olmuştur. Zengin bir kültürel birikime sahiptir. Siverek'de hem Kırmancki (Zazaki, Dımıli) lehçesiyle hem de Kurmanci lehçesiyle konuşan Kürtler vardır. Bunlar şehir merkezinde birlikte yaşamaktadır. Köylerin her brinde ise genellikle bu lehçelerden biri konuşulur. Sivereklilerin çoğu hem Kırmancki hem de Kurmanci bilirler. Kımancki lehçesinin sözlü edebiyatı bakımından Siverek ağzı oldukça zengindir. Kırmancki sözlü edebiyatı kaybolma tehlikesi ile karşı karşıyadır. Bu çalışmamızın amacı Siverek bölgesindeki sözlü edebiyat ürünlerinin tepit edilmesi ve kaydedilmesidir. Çalışmamız Siverek ve Siverek köyleri ile sınırlandırılmıştır. Bu çalışma Siverek Kırmanclarının sözlü edebiyatını konu almaktadır. Burada hem Siverek ve folkloru hakkında malumat verilmiş hem de yörenin sözlü Kırmancca edebiyatından çok sayıda örnek sunulmuştur. Bu çalışmamızda alan araştırması yöntemini kullandık. Çalışmada yer alan sözlü edebiyat ürünleri tarafımızdan derlenmiştir.
ABSTRACT Today, Siverek is an administrative district of Şanlıurfa. It has become an important city in terms of its geographical and social features. Different states had ruled the city throughout history. There are Kurdish people who speak both Kirmancki (Zazaki, dimili) dialect and Kurmanci dialect. One of these dialects is usually spoken in every single village. Most of the people from Siverek know both Kirmancki and Kurmanci. In terms of oral literature in Kirmancki dialect, Siverek dialect is quite rich. This study consists of information about Siverek and its folklore. Also, many examples were given about district's oral Kirmanc literature. Kırmancki oral literature is in danger of extinction. Our study aimed to identify and save oral literature products in Siverek district. Our study was limited to Siverek and its villages. This study is about oral literature of Siverek Kırmanckis. This study consists of information about Siverek and its folklore. Also, many examples were given about district's oral Kırmanc literature. We used area study method in our study. Oral literature products in this study was compiled by us.
ABSTRACT Today, Siverek is an administrative district of Şanlıurfa. It has become an important city in terms of its geographical and social features. Different states had ruled the city throughout history. There are Kurdish people who speak both Kirmancki (Zazaki, dimili) dialect and Kurmanci dialect. One of these dialects is usually spoken in every single village. Most of the people from Siverek know both Kirmancki and Kurmanci. In terms of oral literature in Kirmancki dialect, Siverek dialect is quite rich. This study consists of information about Siverek and its folklore. Also, many examples were given about district's oral Kirmanc literature. Kırmancki oral literature is in danger of extinction. Our study aimed to identify and save oral literature products in Siverek district. Our study was limited to Siverek and its villages. This study is about oral literature of Siverek Kırmanckis. This study consists of information about Siverek and its folklore. Also, many examples were given about district's oral Kırmanc literature. We used area study method in our study. Oral literature products in this study was compiled by us.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Siverek Folkloru, Kırmancca Folklor, Kırmancca Sözlü Halk Edebiyatı, Dımıli Sözlü Halk Edebiyatı, Zazaca Halk Edebiyatı, Zazaca Folklor, Folklore of Siverek, Kirmanc Folklore, Kirmanc Oral Folk Literature, Dimili Oral Folk Literature, Zazaki Folk Literature, Zazaki Folklore, Halk Bilimi (Folklor), Folklore