Tantavi'de hatıra sanatı
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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Bu tez Ali et-Tantâvî'nin nesir edebiyat türlerinden biri olan Hâtıra sanatını tarafsız teknik bir çalışmayla ele alır. Hatırat sanatı bir kısım edebiyatçılar tarafından ele alındığı için büyük bir gelişme göstermiştir. Bunun için biz, bu sanatı, bu alandaki en önemli öncülerden biri olan Ali et-Tantâvî'nin hatırat sanatını ele aldık. Ali et-Tantâvî derin fikirleriyle, ince ibaresiyle, güzel üslubuyla, bu alanda yüksek bir yere gelmiş ve diğer edebiyatçılar arasında temayüz etmiştir. Ali et-Tantâvî'nin hatırat sanatındaki rolü büyüktür. Onun edebi nesnel ögelere sahip olduğu için onu bu alanda asrında en mühim yazarları arasında kılmıştır. Bu tez Ali et-Tantâvî'nin hatırat sanatında; ibaredeki icaz ve tasviri, üslubundaki cezaleti (açıklık), fikrindeki doğruluğu, yazarın birçok eserindeki sayfalarında; açıklar ve konularını tahlil ve beyan eder. Bu çalışmada en önemli neticelere ulaştıran Analitik tanımlayıcı yaklaşım yöntemi takip edilmiştir. Birinci bölüm; hatırat sanatının en önemli konuları olan; içtimai siyasi vicdani ve insani betimleyici hatıratı ele aldık. ikinci bölüm ise ali et-tantâvî'nin üslup yapısını oluşturan kelime seviyesini,cümle yapısını ve onu içeren (tekrar ve istidrad) ve anlamsal seviyesi olan tenas(alıntı) ya ışık tutmuştur. üçüncü bölümde ise; ali et-tantâvî'nin hatıratındaki sanatsal edebi yapı olan fenni süretler,mecaz, teşbih ,bedî' (harika) iyileştirme sanatını ele aldık. Çalışmanın sonunda ulaşılan, hatırat sanatı Ali et-Tantâvî'nin yanında bariz bir sanattır; fikirlerini duygularını ve hislerini ortaya koymuştur. Hatıratındaki fikirleriyle siyasi ve edebi alana katkıda bulunmuş ve insanı cehalet ve gericilikten ilme, medeniyete ve kötü alışkanlıkların terkiyle yüceltir. Bunu ise toplumun sorunlarını ve çözüm arayışları ile sömürgeci ve işgalcilerin karşısında durmakla ve İslam dininin öğretilerine tutunmakla sağladığını tespit ettik.
ABSTRACT This study aims to study the art of Al Hatira of Ali Al-Tantawi, an objective technical study. In the first section and clarified the most important topics of Al Hatira at Ali Al-Tantawi: social, political, emotional and descriptive Al Hatira. In the second chapter, al-Tantawi's methodological structure have been revealed; Language, words, structures, repetition and semantic level, as well as the most esoteric characteristics of his thoughts have been studied. In the next chapter the researcher talks on the aesthetics of the art of Al Hatira at Ali Al-Tantawi through the digression and the most important virtues in his thoughts and metaphor and the extent of relevance to the topics in the thoughts and the technical image and its impact and good use in the thoughts of El-Tantawi. In the end, the research showed that the art of Al Hatira is a prominent art of Ali Al-Tantawi expressing his thoughts, emotions and feelings, and through his ideas in thoughts he contributed to the political work and to elevate man and his life from ignorance and backwardness and bad habits to science and civilization And to leave bad habits, by addressing the issues of society and finding solutions to them, and to stand in the face of the occupied colonized and worn habits and return to the Islamic religion and adhere to it and its orders. The input of Ali Al-Tantawi in the art of Al Hatira is great; that provide the substantive elements that made him among the most prominent writers who wrote in this area in his time. In this research, I tried to search for Al Hatira at Ali Al-Tantawi, who is spread through the pages of his various works; to explain them, analyze them and explain their subjects. At the end of the research, the researcher collected the most important results and recommendations that he reached at the end of his research, including that Ali Al-Tantawi is an innovative writer able to employ his literature to serve the issues of the Islamic and Arab nation and to address the social issues that circulated in his time, in a technical manner that expresses a high literary ability, which shows that he was superior of the writers who wrote in the art of Al- Hatira in that time. Al Hatira is a new phenomenon in modern literature which has special characteristics that distinguish it from other arts. This art at Al-Tantawi included various artistic and aesthetic aspects according to the diversity of its subjects. Al-Tantawi's thoughts were not combined in one of his books, but were distributed in his various books. So, there is hardly a book of him devoid of his thoughts as an art of Al Hatira.
ABSTRACT This study aims to study the art of Al Hatira of Ali Al-Tantawi, an objective technical study. In the first section and clarified the most important topics of Al Hatira at Ali Al-Tantawi: social, political, emotional and descriptive Al Hatira. In the second chapter, al-Tantawi's methodological structure have been revealed; Language, words, structures, repetition and semantic level, as well as the most esoteric characteristics of his thoughts have been studied. In the next chapter the researcher talks on the aesthetics of the art of Al Hatira at Ali Al-Tantawi through the digression and the most important virtues in his thoughts and metaphor and the extent of relevance to the topics in the thoughts and the technical image and its impact and good use in the thoughts of El-Tantawi. In the end, the research showed that the art of Al Hatira is a prominent art of Ali Al-Tantawi expressing his thoughts, emotions and feelings, and through his ideas in thoughts he contributed to the political work and to elevate man and his life from ignorance and backwardness and bad habits to science and civilization And to leave bad habits, by addressing the issues of society and finding solutions to them, and to stand in the face of the occupied colonized and worn habits and return to the Islamic religion and adhere to it and its orders. The input of Ali Al-Tantawi in the art of Al Hatira is great; that provide the substantive elements that made him among the most prominent writers who wrote in this area in his time. In this research, I tried to search for Al Hatira at Ali Al-Tantawi, who is spread through the pages of his various works; to explain them, analyze them and explain their subjects. At the end of the research, the researcher collected the most important results and recommendations that he reached at the end of his research, including that Ali Al-Tantawi is an innovative writer able to employ his literature to serve the issues of the Islamic and Arab nation and to address the social issues that circulated in his time, in a technical manner that expresses a high literary ability, which shows that he was superior of the writers who wrote in the art of Al- Hatira in that time. Al Hatira is a new phenomenon in modern literature which has special characteristics that distinguish it from other arts. This art at Al-Tantawi included various artistic and aesthetic aspects according to the diversity of its subjects. Al-Tantawi's thoughts were not combined in one of his books, but were distributed in his various books. So, there is hardly a book of him devoid of his thoughts as an art of Al Hatira.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hatırat sanatı, Ali et-Tantâvî, nesnel, üslup, fenni güzellik, The Art of Al Hatira, Ali Al-Tantawi, Objectivity, Stylistic, Art aesthetics, Dilbilim, Linguistics, Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatı, Eastern Linguistics and Literature, Arap edebiyatı, Arabian literature, Dilbilgisi, Grammar, Dilbilim, Linguistics, Hatıra, Recollection, Hatırat, Memoirs, Suriye, Syria, Tantavi, Ali, Tantavi, Ali