Kaderîlikle itham edilmiş râviler: Sahîh-i Buhârî örneği
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
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Kaderî olmakla itham edilmiş birçok râvinin temel hadis edebiyatında rivayeti bulunmakla birlikte, bid'at ehli olmaları hasebiyle tenkid edildikleri vukû bulmuştur. Sahîh-i Buhârî'de de Kaderî râvilerin rivayet halkasında oldukları gözlemlenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda Kaderiyye özelinde bid'at ehlinden rivayet alım şartları belirtilmiştir. Ayrıca Buhârî'nin rivayet aldığı; aralarında "imam", "muhaddis", "hâfız" olarak tanıtılanların olduğu ve çoğunluğu "sika" olarak vasıflandırılmış 28 kişiden oluşan râvilerin biyografileri incelenmiştir. İncelenen bu râviler hakkında yapılan ithamlar belirtilmiş, rivayet aktarımına engel teşkil edecek herhangi bir durumun olup olmadığı irdelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Buhârî râvilerinden Kaderiyye'ye mensup olanların, Kaderî görüşleri sebebiyle cerh edilip edilmeyeceğine ve uygulamadaki problemlere dikkat çekilmiştir.
Many narrators who are accused of qadariyya (fatalism), despite their narrations in the basic hadith literature, have been found to be criticized for being ahl bid'ah. In Bukhari's Sahikh, it has been observed that fatalist narrators are in the narration circle. Accordingly, the conditions of receiving narrations from ahl bid'ah special in qadariyya are stated thoroughly. In addition, the biographies of 28 people from whom Bukhari had taken narrations and among whom there were those promoted as "imam", "hafiz", "muhaddith" and mostly qualified as "siqa" were examined. The accusations made against the examined narrators were mentioned and it was examined whether there was a circumstance that would prevent the transfer of narration. As a result, attention has been drawn to the problems in administration of rejection (jarh) to see whether Bukhari's narrators connected to qadariyya can be rejected or not because of their qadari (fatalists) views.
Many narrators who are accused of qadariyya (fatalism), despite their narrations in the basic hadith literature, have been found to be criticized for being ahl bid'ah. In Bukhari's Sahikh, it has been observed that fatalist narrators are in the narration circle. Accordingly, the conditions of receiving narrations from ahl bid'ah special in qadariyya are stated thoroughly. In addition, the biographies of 28 people from whom Bukhari had taken narrations and among whom there were those promoted as "imam", "hafiz", "muhaddith" and mostly qualified as "siqa" were examined. The accusations made against the examined narrators were mentioned and it was examined whether there was a circumstance that would prevent the transfer of narration. As a result, attention has been drawn to the problems in administration of rejection (jarh) to see whether Bukhari's narrators connected to qadariyya can be rejected or not because of their qadari (fatalists) views.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hadis, Kaderiyye, Buhârî, Râvi, Bid'at, Hadith, Qadariyya, Bukhari, Narrator, Bid'ah, Din, Religion, Bid`at, Bid`at, Buhari, Bukhari, Hadis, Hadith, Kaderiler, Fatahist, Raviler, Ravis, İslamiyet, Islam