A suggestion of braille alphabet for syriac language: Unified syriac braille alphabet
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Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Geçtiğimiz 20 yıl boyunca, ırksal, etnik ve anadilde eğitim konusunda geniş tartışmalar yaşanırken, temsili olmayan milletlerdeki görme engelli bireylerin kendi anadillerinde okuma-yazma öğrenmeleri hiç gündeme gelmemiştir. Oysaki sözde anadil hak savunuculuğunu yapan sivil toplum kuruluşları, Birleşmiş Milletler, UNESCO gibi kuruluşlar ve akademik camiada bu tartışmalar nedense hiç gündeme gelmemiştir. Bu çalışmada prototip olarak sunmuş olduğum Süryanice Dilinin (Batı ve Doğu Lehçeleri) Birleşik Syriac Braille Alfabesi teklif edilmektedir. Merkezi bir politikaya sahip olmayan ve birçok ülkeye dağılmış olan Süryaniler de hiçbir zaman kendi görme engellileri için bir Süryani Braille Alfabesi geliştirmemişlerdir. Hal böyleyken Irak Kürt Bölgesel yönetimin de Süryanicenin resmi dil olarak tanınmasına rağmen Süryani dilbilimcileri ve özel eğitimcileri yaşadıkları yerlerdeki görme engelli Süryaniler için bir eğitim politikası geliştirmeyerek bu gruptaki insanları yok saymışlardır. Biz bu araştırmaya başladığımızda çıkış noktamızın temeli, politik tartışmaları bir kenara bırakarak, aslında temsili olmayan milletlerde ki görme engellilerin temel haklarından biri olan "anadilde okuma-yazmayı eğitim hakkı" olmuştur. Bu çalışma 2016 yılında Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi, Türkiye'de Yaşayan Diller Enstitüsü, Süryani Dili ve Kültürü Anabilim Dalında başlamıştır. Çalışmamızda Süryani Dili'nin tüm lehçelerini ayrı ayrı inceledik. Farklı diyalektleri konuşan Süryanilere internet üzerinden ulaştık ve Mardin şehrinde yaşayan Süryanilerle de yüz yüze gelinerek örnek ses kayıtları alınarak, fonetik ve fonemler analiz edildi. Ardından IPA standartları çerçevesinde ve UNESCO'nun görme engellilerle ilgili yapılan çalışmalar dikkate alınarak Süryanice Braille Alfabesine karşılık gelecek Braille hücreleri yeniden sembolize edilmiştir. Böylelikle Süryanice Braille Alfabesinin tüm lehçeleri için standart bir çerçevenin oluşturulmasıyla bir prototip oluşturulmuştur. Bu prototip Süryanice dil bilimcileri ve özel eğitimcilere sunularak geliştirilmesi için bir temel teşkil edilmesi arzulanmıştır. Oluşturulan bu standart prototip ile, Türkiye'de yaşayan Kürt ve Türk kökenli görme engelli üzerinde test edilmiş olup, bir yabancı dil öğretimi konusunda okuryazarlık hususunda bir başarı sağlamıştır. Böylelikle farklı etnik kökene sahip görme engellilere ikinci dil öğreniminde başarı elde edildi. Tüm bu çalışmalar ışığında Viewing Fingers adlı bir yazılım geliştirilerek var olan Süryanice yazıları Süryanice' den Braille Text'e hızlıca dönüştürmek içinde de bir yazılım geliştirilmiştir.
Over the past 20 years, there has been a widespread debate on racial, ethnic and mother tongue education, while visually impaired individuals in non-representative nations have never come up with literacy learning in their mother tongue. But these discussions have never been prominent among non-governmental groups, the United Nations, UNESCO and the academic community, which are supposedly advocating mother tongue rights. In this study, the Syriac Braille alphabet of Assyrian language (Western and Eastern Dialects) which I have presented as a prototype is proposed. The Syriacs, who do not have a central policy and are scattered in many countries, have never developed a Syriac braille alphabet for their visually impaired. Thus, despite the recognition of Syriac as the official language of the Iraqi Kurdish regional government, Syriac linguists and private educators did not develop an educational policy for visually impaired Syriacs in their communities and eliminated the people in this group. When we started this research, the basis of our starting point was the right to education of reading and writing in mother tongue which is one of the fundamental rights of visually impaired people in non-representative nations, leaving political discussions aside. This study was carried out at Mardin Artuklu University in 2016, the institute of living languages in Turkey, at the Syriac Language and Culture Department. In our study, we examined all the dialects of the Syriac language separately. We reached the Syriacs who talked about different dialects on the internet, and the Syriacs living in Mardin came face-to-face with sample audio recordings and analyzed phonetics and phonemes. In accordance with IPA Braille standards and UNESCO studies on visual impairments, Braille cells that correspond to the Syriac Braille alphabet were subsequently resymbolized. In order to produce a prototype, a standard framework for all Syriac Braille dialects was developed. This standard prototype was developed, tested, and shown to be successful in terms of literacy when teaching a foreign language to visually impaired persons of Kurdish and Turkish ethnicity that live in Turkey. Prototypes created with these standards, see the Kurds in Turkey and of Turkish origin have been tested on people with disabilities, it has achieved a success in literacy matters for teaching a foreign language. Thus, visual disabilities of different ethnic origins were successful in second language learning. In the light of all these studies, a software called viewing fingers was developed and a software was developed to convert the existing Syriac scripts into Syriac to Braille text.
Over the past 20 years, there has been a widespread debate on racial, ethnic and mother tongue education, while visually impaired individuals in non-representative nations have never come up with literacy learning in their mother tongue. But these discussions have never been prominent among non-governmental groups, the United Nations, UNESCO and the academic community, which are supposedly advocating mother tongue rights. In this study, the Syriac Braille alphabet of Assyrian language (Western and Eastern Dialects) which I have presented as a prototype is proposed. The Syriacs, who do not have a central policy and are scattered in many countries, have never developed a Syriac braille alphabet for their visually impaired. Thus, despite the recognition of Syriac as the official language of the Iraqi Kurdish regional government, Syriac linguists and private educators did not develop an educational policy for visually impaired Syriacs in their communities and eliminated the people in this group. When we started this research, the basis of our starting point was the right to education of reading and writing in mother tongue which is one of the fundamental rights of visually impaired people in non-representative nations, leaving political discussions aside. This study was carried out at Mardin Artuklu University in 2016, the institute of living languages in Turkey, at the Syriac Language and Culture Department. In our study, we examined all the dialects of the Syriac language separately. We reached the Syriacs who talked about different dialects on the internet, and the Syriacs living in Mardin came face-to-face with sample audio recordings and analyzed phonetics and phonemes. In accordance with IPA Braille standards and UNESCO studies on visual impairments, Braille cells that correspond to the Syriac Braille alphabet were subsequently resymbolized. In order to produce a prototype, a standard framework for all Syriac Braille dialects was developed. This standard prototype was developed, tested, and shown to be successful in terms of literacy when teaching a foreign language to visually impaired persons of Kurdish and Turkish ethnicity that live in Turkey. Prototypes created with these standards, see the Kurds in Turkey and of Turkish origin have been tested on people with disabilities, it has achieved a success in literacy matters for teaching a foreign language. Thus, visual disabilities of different ethnic origins were successful in second language learning. In the light of all these studies, a software called viewing fingers was developed and a software was developed to convert the existing Syriac scripts into Syriac to Braille text.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dilbilim, Linguistics, Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatı, Eastern Linguistics and Literature, Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training, Bilgisayarlı dil bilim, Computerized linguistics, Dil öğrenimi, Study of languages, Görme engelliler, Visually impaired, Karşılaştırmalı dil bilim, Comparative linquistics, Uygulamalı dil bilim, Applied lingustics, Yapısal dil bilim, Structural linguistics, Özel eğitim, Special education