An Assessment of the Reflection of Traditional and Computer Assisted Architectural Designing Periods on Buildings Through Hyperbolic Paraboloid Forms

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Erişim Hakkı



This study examined the changes and developments in the designs and practices regarding the hyperbolic paraboloid surfaces, which have been more popular after the designs of Felix Candela during the architectural period of 20th century. Tracer method was utilized to compare the periods before and after the computerassisted designing instruments were added to the architectural education curriculum. A comparison table was formed for the difference between the periods, and the variable traits that may change in years such as materials, method of practice or span were specified and presented in a chronological order. Assessments indicated that hyperbolic paraboloids used for different purposes could be used as designing elements as well as for passing wide spans, and that they were utilized in different continents during the same periods. It was understood that this form span could be used to reach and pass greater spans through the support provided by using computer-assisted architectural designing instruments. During 1950s, issues related to heating, illumination and ventilation emerged on the hyperbolic surfaces constructed with concrete materials. With the computer-assisted architectural designing instruments, solutions were found on these issues following the trials on the model. As people started to use computers as designing instruments, differences emerged in practices. Instead of buildings that were constructed through on-site concreting procedure with molds during the period of traditional drawing instruments, the panelization systems were able to be produced with the help of computer models and mounted accordingly. Furthermore, with the development of steel industry after 1990, steel was used more often in the construction of hyperbolic paraboloids. This study revealed the contribution of computer-assisted designing instruments which enable designing, analyzing and building complicated geometries to the constructability of hyperbolic paraboloid surfaces, and it demonstrated the current status of these instruments within designing-related processes following the technological advancements. The impact of computer-assisted designing instruments on the relationship between the architectural designing and load-bearing system designing was explained through the examples regarding integrated designing processes. Examining the architectural changes and developments in the hyperbolic paraboloid surfaces, this study indicated that using advanced computer technologies caused radical changes and that the designers were granted new horizons and became more liberal upon the searches for architectural form with the algorithms becoming producible in the digital environment.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Form, Structure, Hyperbolic surface, Computer-assisted architectural designing



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