Mar Petyum Keldani Kilisesi yazma vesikalarında " Diyarbakır Keldanileri "
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Bu çalışma, Diyarbakır Mar Petyun Keldani Kilisesi'nde bulunan XIX. ve XX. yüzyıla ait yazma belgeler ışığında Diyarbakır Keldanilerini konu edinmektedir. Farklı dini sosyal toplulukların yaşadığı şehirde, geride bıraktıkları mekânların ve belgelerin maddi kültür belirteçleri olduğu kuşkusuzdur. Bu yazılı belgeler özelde belgelerin üreticilerinden bahsetmekte ise de, genelde hem şehrin sosyal tarihine ışık tuttuğu gibi bölge ve ülke tarihine de yeni bakış açıları kazandırmaktadır. Diyarbakır Keldani Kilisesi'nde bulunan yazma belgelerin varlığı hakkında bilgi veren herhangi bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Belgelerin ortaya çıkarılmasında, uzun yılların vermiş olduğu karşılıklı güven hukuku etkili olmuştur. Belgeler, kilisenin halka açık olmayan kitaplığında bulunmaktadır. Topluluğun üretmiş olduğu belgeler (vaftiz, cizye, vakıf, ölüm defteri vs.) tasnifsiz olarak bulunmaktadır. Konu başlıkları ve süre sınırlılığı, belgelerin içerdiği bilgilerin zamanını belirlemekle birlikte, yukarıda da belirtildiği üzere yaklaşık olarak iki yüz yıllık bir süreye ait bulunmaktadır. Bu belgelerin dışında Keldaniler konusunda yapılmış tez, yayınlanmış kitaplar, ansiklopediler, internet ortamında yayınlanan bilgiler incelenmiştir. Genelde Keldaniler (Kadir Albayrak'ın çalışmaları dışında) özelde de Diyarbakır Keldanileri konusunda yazılı eserlerin olmaması en zorlu alan olmuştur. Genel konular içine serpiştirilen bilgiler ise yerelde üretilmiş belgelerde yer alan bilgilerden oldukça uzaktır. Diyarbakır'da topluluğun temsilcilerinin bir aile ile sınırlı olduğunu belirtmek gerekir. Dolayısıyla, topluluğun büyük kısmının göç ettikleri İstanbul'daki Keldani Kilisesi yetkilileri ve üyeleriyle görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Tez yedi bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde Kutsal Kitap'ta geçen Keldani kavramı üzerinde durulmuş ve bu bağlamdan hareketle, ilk defa XVI. yüzyılda Diyarbakır'da Keldani Kilisesi'nin kurulmasından önceki Doğu Süryanileri ve sonrasında Keldani Kilisesi'nin durumu kronolojik olarak verilmeye çalışılmıştır. İkinci bölümde kayıtları 1850'de tutulmaya başlanmakla birlikte, 1727 ve sonrasında başlayan ve 1882'ye kadar devam eden Keldani Kilisesi'ne ait vaftiz defteri verileri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde 1912'de düzenlendiği anlaşılan ve Diyarbakır şehir merkezinde bulunan mahallelerde Keldani topluluğunun yerleşim alanlarına göre nüfus kayıtları ele alınmıştır. Dördüncü Bölümde 1881 ilâ 1900 yıllarına ait bedelât-ı askeriye (cizye) belgeleri kapsamında Diyarbakır Keldani topluluğunun sosyo-ekonomik durumu ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde Keldani Kilisesi Vakfı ile Çorbahanesi'ne ait vakıf defterleri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. 1903'te kaleme alınan kilise vakıf defteri, kiliseye ait vakıflar konusunda ayrıntılı bilgiler içermektedir. Çorbahane Defterinde ise 1929'dan itibaren bu vakfa ait bilgiler bulunmaktadır. Bu iki vakfın kayıtlarının devamı olan 1947 tarihli defterde vakıfların son durumlarına ilişkin kayıtlar bulunmaktadır. Bu çerçevede Keldani topluluğuna ait vakıfların yarım yüz yıllık durumu ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Altıncı bölümde Keldani topluluğunun Osmanlı döneminde Diyarbakır'da bulunan eğitim kurumlarından olan Keldani Rüştiye Mektebi sınıf geçme defteri bağlamında Keldani topluluğunun eğitim yönü incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Yedinci bölümde 1882-1955 arası yılları kapsayan süreçte topluluk üyelerinin ölümlerinin kaydedildiği defterde yer alan kayıtlar çerçevesinde Keldanilerin durumları ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Ekler kısmında ise, 1900 yılına ait bedelât-ı askeriye ve ölüm defterinin transkriptleri bulunmaktadır.
This dissertation examines the Chaldeans of Diyarbakır in the light of manuscripts of Diyarbakır Chaldean Church of Mar Pethion belonging to nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It is no doubt that the places and the documents that left behind them in the city they lived in where were tangible and cultural indicators of these different religious social communities. In this study was highly used as a data collection method such as scanning the archival original documents and records. There is no work providing about the presence of manuscripts found in the library of the Chaldean Church of Diyarbakır. The law of mutual confidence that established many years ago has been effective in the uncovering of these documents. The manuscripts were at the bookshelf of not accessible to the public as unclassified. On account of the fact that the manuscripts were limited availability, they did not need to be classified. The titles and time limits were belonged to the manuscripts and date, and the time interval was approximataly two century as stated above. Apart from these documents, examined the thesis, published books, encyclopedias, various datum published on the internet about the Chaldeans. The most difficult process of the research was generally the lack of the works about Chaldeans (with the exception of Kadir Albayrak's studies), especially about the Chaldeans of Diyarbakır. The information scattered in general topics were very far away from the locally generated information. It is important to note that the representatives of the Chaldean society in Diyarbakır was limited with a family. It was consulted with the authorities of the Chaldean Church in İstanbul and also with its members those who immigrated here. This thesis consists of seven chapters. The first chapter focused on the term "Chaldean" mentioned in the Bible and by this contextual point, by the first time, the situation of East Assyrians before the VIII establishment of the Chaldean Church of Diyarbakır in the sixteenth century and then the situation of the Chaldean Church and all of these given chronologically. The second chapter tries to examine the information gathered form the baptism records belonging to the Chaldean Church which commenced in 1850, but these records ranged from 1727 and continued until 1882. The third chapter focuses on the records of the population. It is supposed to they were arranged in 1912 after the settlements of Chaldean society in the quarters located in the city center of Diyarbakır. The fourth chapter discussed the socio-economic situation of the Chaldean society of Diyarbakır within the context of poll taxes between 1881 and 1900. The fifth chapter examines the records of the Foundation of Chaldean Church and its soup hose (in Turkish "çorbahane"). The records of the Church written in 1903 contain detailed informations about the foundations of the Church. There is the informations about this foundation in the soup house register from the begining of 1929. There are also the records about final conditions of the foundations which a continuation of the records of these two foundations in a register dated 1947. In this context, an examination of the situation of a half century of the foundations of Chaldean society is presented. The sixth chapter was investigated the educational aspect of the Chaldean society using the Chaldean junior high school's (Rüşdiye Mektebi in Turkish) registration records for promotion to a higher grade. The seventh chapter, it has try to be taken the situations of the Chaldean society within the frame of the records of death registrations of the members recorded between the years 1882 -1955. There are the records of poll tax of 1900s and the transcriptions of death records of manuscript in the appendixs.
This dissertation examines the Chaldeans of Diyarbakır in the light of manuscripts of Diyarbakır Chaldean Church of Mar Pethion belonging to nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It is no doubt that the places and the documents that left behind them in the city they lived in where were tangible and cultural indicators of these different religious social communities. In this study was highly used as a data collection method such as scanning the archival original documents and records. There is no work providing about the presence of manuscripts found in the library of the Chaldean Church of Diyarbakır. The law of mutual confidence that established many years ago has been effective in the uncovering of these documents. The manuscripts were at the bookshelf of not accessible to the public as unclassified. On account of the fact that the manuscripts were limited availability, they did not need to be classified. The titles and time limits were belonged to the manuscripts and date, and the time interval was approximataly two century as stated above. Apart from these documents, examined the thesis, published books, encyclopedias, various datum published on the internet about the Chaldeans. The most difficult process of the research was generally the lack of the works about Chaldeans (with the exception of Kadir Albayrak's studies), especially about the Chaldeans of Diyarbakır. The information scattered in general topics were very far away from the locally generated information. It is important to note that the representatives of the Chaldean society in Diyarbakır was limited with a family. It was consulted with the authorities of the Chaldean Church in İstanbul and also with its members those who immigrated here. This thesis consists of seven chapters. The first chapter focused on the term "Chaldean" mentioned in the Bible and by this contextual point, by the first time, the situation of East Assyrians before the VIII establishment of the Chaldean Church of Diyarbakır in the sixteenth century and then the situation of the Chaldean Church and all of these given chronologically. The second chapter tries to examine the information gathered form the baptism records belonging to the Chaldean Church which commenced in 1850, but these records ranged from 1727 and continued until 1882. The third chapter focuses on the records of the population. It is supposed to they were arranged in 1912 after the settlements of Chaldean society in the quarters located in the city center of Diyarbakır. The fourth chapter discussed the socio-economic situation of the Chaldean society of Diyarbakır within the context of poll taxes between 1881 and 1900. The fifth chapter examines the records of the Foundation of Chaldean Church and its soup hose (in Turkish "çorbahane"). The records of the Church written in 1903 contain detailed informations about the foundations of the Church. There is the informations about this foundation in the soup house register from the begining of 1929. There are also the records about final conditions of the foundations which a continuation of the records of these two foundations in a register dated 1947. In this context, an examination of the situation of a half century of the foundations of Chaldean society is presented. The sixth chapter was investigated the educational aspect of the Chaldean society using the Chaldean junior high school's (Rüşdiye Mektebi in Turkish) registration records for promotion to a higher grade. The seventh chapter, it has try to be taken the situations of the Chaldean society within the frame of the records of death registrations of the members recorded between the years 1882 -1955. There are the records of poll tax of 1900s and the transcriptions of death records of manuscript in the appendixs.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diyarbakır, Keldani, Yazma belgeler, vaftiz, cizye, vakıf, eğitim, ölüm defterleri, The Chaldean Church of Diyarbakır, manuscripts, baptism, poll tax, foundation, education, the books of death registration, Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatı, Eastern Linguistics and Literature, Diyarbakır, Diyarbakır, Keldani, Keldani, Kiliseler, Churchs, Süryaniler, Syrians, Yazma eserler, Manuscripts